
Showing posts from March, 2016

Week 9

Hopefully everyone is well rested after the Easter Break. We had a wonderful day today at Saint Mary MacKillop College, experiencing some of what the college can offer.  Students were able to participate in woodwork, sport, home economics, drama and science.  Feedback from the students was that they all greatly enjoyed the day. I will put some photos onto Edmodo for all to see over the coming days. With such a short week this week, I have restricted homework to spelling (which we selected from our writing and spelling books as review), mathletics tasks (remember by visiting, we can access mathletics from any device) and reading.  I have also told the students to practice on the times tables app every night for at least 2 minutes. With our 20th anniversary celebrations this Friday, all students are to wear full summer uniform.  As such, tomorrow students can wear their sports uniform.  Invitations to the celebrations went out last week...

Week 8

This week is Holy Week and so we will be finishing off our Lenten preparation.  We are very close to finishing our Easter Story Wreaths, which tell the Easter story and look fabulous!  Please have a look when you next drop in. In Maths we are working on formal addition and subtraction strategies and in English we are focused on questioning as a comprehension strategy and information reports. Homework this week includes; Spelling Mental Maths Unit 8 Reading Log We also need to finish our labelled fruit diagrams for science.  These are to be submitted on showbie. Thanks and have a wonderful week Sean McSevich

Mr Ts Homework

1. Adverbs booklet - due Wednesday Week 8 2. Please show your parents the work you have been doing in Geography. Explain to them: The HASS Edmodo Page The websites we have been using on the HASS page What the Great Circle Routes are, and how you have been using airport codes to plan and draw your flight routes on your "World Trip"

Parent-Teacher Interviews

20 th March 2016 Dear Yellow Room Parents, Please be advised that I will be conducting my Parent-Teacher interviews between 3:30 and 5:30 on Friday 1st April, Tuesday 5th April and Thursday 7th April. I have allocated 15 minutes for each interview and if during our allotted time it becomes apparent that there is more to be discussed, we can make another appointment to continue the conversation at a later date.  Please make sure you are on time for your interview to allow the maximum time for discussion possible. I have placed a schedule up outside the classroom for you to select a time. Please make a note of your time for future reference.  If the times available don’t suit, please feel free to email me or speak with me directly to arrange an alternative time. I look forward to seeing you. Kindest Regards, Sean McSevich.

Week 7

Good afternoon Well the end of term is fast approaching, but we still have so much to cover.  This week we are working on questioning as a comprehension strategy and our information reports.  In Maths, we are working on addition strategies and in science we will be exploring one stage of the plant lifecycle in detail.  I don't want to give this away but will put up some pictures of our learning. Homework includes; Reading Log LCSWC Mental maths unit 7.  In case we get stuck, I have madea video of the strategy. I have also put a video of the strategy on EDMODO.

Week 6

This is a short week for us, and we are nearly half way there already! This week, we have been working on questioning as a comprehension strategy and writing post-it notes to record our questions as we read. We are flying through our unit on information reports and are well into exploring strategies for addition and subtraction. Homework this week is;  reading log spelling Mental Maths unit 6.   I have told the children that I want days 1 to 4 of mental maths completed by Friday and have put a video onto Edmodo demonstrating the use of this strategy for reference. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns Mr McSevich

Mr. T's Homework

Mr. T's Homework Year 4's please complete for next Wednesday (Week 6): Verb Tenses booklet. If you complete one page a night you should completed it all by next Wednesday. Please see me, Mr McSevich or another adult who can help if you have any problems. Mr T