Week 9
Hopefully everyone is well rested after the Easter Break. We had a wonderful day today at Saint Mary MacKillop College, experiencing some of what the college can offer. Students were able to participate in woodwork, sport, home economics, drama and science. Feedback from the students was that they all greatly enjoyed the day. I will put some photos onto Edmodo for all to see over the coming days. With such a short week this week, I have restricted homework to spelling (which we selected from our writing and spelling books as review), mathletics tasks (remember by visiting www.mathletics.com.au, we can access mathletics from any device) and reading. I have also told the students to practice on the times tables app every night for at least 2 minutes. With our 20th anniversary celebrations this Friday, all students are to wear full summer uniform. As such, tomorrow students can wear their sports uniform. Invitations to the celebrations went out last week...