
Showing posts from July, 2016

Week 3

Good morning Science This week we will be examining our rock samples in science to investigate hardness, density and characteristics such as the size of grains or any layers that are present.  I have noticed a number of students bringing these samples in, so if your child has not done so, please support them and remind them that they are due tomorrow (Tuesday). Maths With our maths homework, I am putting the answers on Edmodo each week for the mental maths book, so please use these to mark your child's homework as they complete it.  This week we are working on unit 21 which is revision so there is not a new strategy.  All previous strategy videos are on Edmodo should they be required. OLC Values Friendship Last week we commenced a program with the girls discussing and working through Girlpower to assist us in understanding and managing our friendships.  This will continue over the coming weeks, after which we will run a similar program with the boys.  W...

2016 Eucharist dates

Good morning This term we will be preparing for the Sacrament of Eucharist.  Most of the required learning for this will be undertaken within the class, although some work may be brought home to supplement and support this.  The purpose of this blog is to advise and confirm dates for Mass and information nights, as we are still a number of weeks away.   The dates associated with the Sacrament are outlined in the School calendar and are; Eucharist Parent Information night – 7 th  September Eucharist Enrolment Mass – 10 th  September Sacrament of Eucharist – 30 th  October As you will note, the Sacrament is celebrated early in term 4.  As such, we will email with further information as we grow closer to these dates. If your child will not be undertaking the Sacrament but will be a prayer buddy, please let me know. Thanks for your ongoing support Sean McSevich and Adrian Torrese

Mr T Wednesday's Lesson Week 2 - Writing Setting with Images

Hi everyone, Please watch this short video BEFORE WEDNESDAY to explain our English viewing activity this week.  You don't need to do anything, just watch and understand what to do. Ask an adult to watch with you. We will do this activity on Wednesday. We will be learning about using images and our imagination to write great settings when we write narratives later this term. It's a really fun activity that involves: 1. Watching the video  Writing Setting with Images  and understanding what to do and how you will be learning 2. Choosing an image from The Image Shed - Abandoned Places 3. Then creating an X chart to describe and imagine what is in the image with lots of detail...that means ADJECTIVES!! Watch the video here or in Mr T's Language Study in Edmodo From the Australian Curriculum Create  literary texts by developing storylines, characters and settings Create  literary texts that explo...

Week 2 Term 3

Good afternoon and welcome to week 2. I have spoken to a number of the children and they have said that they enjoyed the homework grid, which is great news.  Please work with your children to ensure that they identify the homework they are completing and to sign the grid ready for submitting on Friday.  I have provided these grids again this week and will continue to do so throughout the term. Mental maths this week is Unit 20 and to assist marking this, I have included a post in Edmodo that has the mental maths answers.  Please support your children by marking their maths using the answers on edmodo (your child will be able to show this to you).  Remember, Edmodo can be accessed from any device by going to where your child can sign in with their username and password. Last week, you child was given a science task.  The task was to take a soil sample and bring this to class in a screw top jar.  Please support your child to bring this sa...

Mission Markets

25th July 2016 Dear Parents, Re:  Mission Markets – Week 4 On Friday 12th August, we will be holding our Annual Mission Markets beginning at 11.45am. The Year 4 stall item this year is Jelly Cups! To help raise valuable funds for Caritas Australia, we are asking that all Year 4 families provide 5 Jelly Cups each for sale at our stall.  You can make these Jelly Cups in any combination that you would like.  In the past I have seen lolly snakes or frogs added and even multi-coloured Jelly Cups. Feel free to be as creative as you like, but please no nuts! Please also include a small packet of spoons to accompany the Jelly Cups.  This makes eating the Jelly much easier and less messy! When arriving at school on the morning of 12th August, please take the Jelly Cups to the canteen to be placed in the fridge.  Any parental assistance to place the jelly cups in the fridge would be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not ...

Term 3 Week 1

Welcome back to term 3 Hopefully everybody had a refreshing and revitalising term break. Towards the end of last term, I started to feel that homework needed to be jazzed up a bit.  as a result, I have made a big change to make it more meaningful and hopefully engaging!  I have drawn from people like Ian Lillico in developing a homework grid that provides more choice and acknowledges the role that other activities at home take in the growth of students.  I have explained this grid and sent it home with the children today. As the homework grid provides more choice, I have also set and explained the rules, particularly with compulsory activities.  Please discuss this grid with your child when they get home. You will notice that many of the activities the children can choose may already be regularly undertaken, but are designed to encourage a number of important skills, including communication skills and risk taking (safely), as well as academics. I would still ...