Week 3

Good morning Science This week we will be examining our rock samples in science to investigate hardness, density and characteristics such as the size of grains or any layers that are present. I have noticed a number of students bringing these samples in, so if your child has not done so, please support them and remind them that they are due tomorrow (Tuesday). Maths With our maths homework, I am putting the answers on Edmodo each week for the mental maths book, so please use these to mark your child's homework as they complete it. This week we are working on unit 21 which is revision so there is not a new strategy. All previous strategy videos are on Edmodo should they be required. OLC Values Friendship Last week we commenced a program with the girls discussing and working through Girlpower to assist us in understanding and managing our friendships. This will continue over the coming weeks, after which we will run a similar program with the boys. W...