
Showing posts from September, 2016

Year 4 Excursion to Ngilgi Cave

Today we took a guided tour of Ngilgi Cave and what a great experience it was!  All students were shown around the stunning cave, with some even tackling the 'OLC Tunnel of Doom' as our tour guide put it!  We finished off with lunch, an ice-cream and a quick game at Simmo's while the weather held off! Thanks to all students for being so awesomely behaved, using their manners and being respectful.  A great big thanks to all those parents who put their hand up to help out and to Mrs Torrese and Mrs Jennings for joining us! Below are some photo's from the cave but the quote of the day came from Matilda who referred to the cave as "just beautiful" and "this is the best science lesson ever!".  I have rarely seen so many mouths gaping at the sights of the crystal formations! Mr McSevich

Create a book Video

Watch this video to help you create your story book.

Angles Videos for Week 8 and 9

Hi everyone, please watch these important videos for tomorrows Maths lesson about Angles...It Should take you about 6 minutes to view them all. If you get time, watch "How to measure an angle" at least twice. What is an Angle ? How to measure angles Angles are nice but are they cute?

Week 8

Here we are at the busy end of the term, and what a few weeks we have ahead.  This week we are working on money problems in maths, starting with adding and subtracting money amounts.  In Literacy we are working on our narratives as we write adventure/comedy stories for the years 5 and 6. This week also see's the start of our Eucharist preparation.  On Wednesday night at 7pm we have our information night for both parents and children, followed by Enrollment Mass on Saturday night. Our Class Mass has been combined with our Enrollment Mass, so we will have a few pizza's to share after Mass. Thursday is photo day, so please support your child in ensuring they look smashing for our class photo.  If you have not already, please remember to send the order form with your child. Next week is our excursion to Ngilgi Cave and I am still waiting on a few permission slips and money.  These are due Friday, so I will send a few extra form home to avoid last minute scramb...