
Showing posts from November, 2017

Week 8 and planned excursion

Welcome to week 8. This week we are going back over money and how we can determine change from purchasing problems.  We are also reading the picture book 'Fox' and finalising our totems. Homework this week includes spelling words that were sent home today, mathletics tasks around money and a readingeggs task. Students also need to ensure they have all necessary components to finish their totems tomorrow.  If your child hasn't brought in their materials, please ensure they are here tomorrow. Attached below is a letter about our planned excursion to the ArtGeo cultural precint in busselton.  A hard copy will be coming home with your child tomorrow but please read and return the permission slip by Friday.

Week 7

Today we have discussed our final D&T task.  Students learned about totem's, the role of names given the indigenous people and how they assist with land management.  From this students need to come to school tomorrow having chosen their Australian Animal totem and thinking about how they will make theirs from recycled and natural materials.  We will be making them Friday, so please start thinking and collecting items to use. I have not set spelling homework at this point as we completed our final assessment today.  Students will bring spelling homework tomorrow.  I have however set mathletics and there is always reading that needs to be completed.  With our stop motion movies, I have told students that I will be available Wednesday and Thursday lunch times to assist where needed, but these are due Friday.

Week 6

Congratulations to all those who completed their Eucharist over the past fortnight.  You have worked hard to be prepared and displayed very mature attitudes during the sacrament.  Also thanks to the Prayer Buddies that supported the students making their sacraments very respectfully.  We had some very in depth discussion around living like Jesus and caring for people, with refugees especially interesting students.  We may have some budding human rights lawyers in our midst! For homework this week I have set mathletics tasks around number patterns as these are what we will be working on this week.  Please ensure all tasks are completed by Friday.  Students will have spelling, with words on Edmodo and of course reading every night.  We have been working on Poetry and all students wrote some awesome Haiku. This week we will be working on Cinquain and I will put some example up on this blog as we start to publish them.  We are working on our stopm...