Week 8 Term 4 - Important Stuff!!

Good evening all, Boy oh boy are we getting close now to the end! This week started well with the students on Monday morning having a taste of what life in Year 5 will be like next year. As sad as I am to lose this class, I know they are ready to be challenged with Mr D. Congratulations to Kobe, Remy and Zali on being our week 7 merit award winners. In their own special way, they have made such wonderful progress in the final term of the year. Below I have included many important reminders for the busy week ahead. IMPORTANT REMINDERS Christmas Play and Awards Evening - is scheduled for Wednesday 5th December commencing at 5.30pm. All students are asked to come dressed in their Christmas colours - feel free to wear antler, hats, tinsel, etc as it 'tis the season to be jolly'! S T. VINCENT DE PAUL CHRISTMAS HAMPER APPEAL – PLEASE HELP! - Each year at OLC we take time to be thankful for our blessings and to assist those in need by contributing to Christmas ...