Week 2 Term 3!

Good morning parents, Welcome back to another fantastic week in Year 4...the students have started the week with a bang and moved beautifully through our literacy and numeracy tasks this morning. We are seeing a real maturity and settled approach to our class work which is a real credit to your beautiful children! REMINDERS - WEEK 2 Inter-school Cross Country - Please bear in mind this is on this Thursday 1st August. Mrs Sinclair sent a note home with your child last term with all relevant information...my advice is pack loads of food, warm clothes and a reusable cup or thermos! Welcome Mass - If you would like to join Fr Francis for his first mass at OLTSC this Sunday morning 3rd August, beginning at 9am we would love to see you there. Mission Markets - These are held each year to coincide with the celebration of our Feast Day. These will be held on Thursday 15th August . This year, the Year 4 classes will be putting together lucky dip bags! ...