
Showing posts from February, 2017

Think Mental Answers

Good morning Students have joined a group in edmodo that has all the answers for the weeks Maths homework. The picture below will show you where to find the weekly answers, or ask your child to show you where to find them.  My hope is that these will help with marking their weekly homework.

Week 5

Welcome to week 5 this week we will be working on a number of addition strategies in maths and writing our procedure on making a potion of our own.  We took inspiration for our procedure by reading an extract from Shakespeare's  MacBeth. Homework tonight is to watch and discuss the maths video below, so that students come tomorrow with an understanding of the strategy we will work on tomorrow.  I have also placed this video on edmodo. Students also have reading and their homework grids, while this week we are practicing our 5 times tables for this Friday's test.

OLC Swimming Carnival

Our swimming carnival is this Thursday 23rd of February at the Geographe Leisure Centre.  As always it looks like it is going to be a fabulous, fun filled day. Coming home today are permission slips and a note detailing what to expect on Thursday. Students have placed these in their bags and I have enclosed attached them below for reference. To ensure smooth sailing, please ensure that the completed permission slips are returned tomorrow. Looking forward to a fun day Mr McSevich

Week 4

This week we will finish place value and the properties of odd and even numbers in maths, while in literacy we will continue working on procedures that we read and write.  I have set tasks in study ladder to extend and provide extra support so if your child is looking for something to read or do, they have their study ladder log in details. Homework this week includes Unit 4 of the Mental Maths book and the homework grid.  Some students are doing superbly with completing items in the white boxes, so please remember to support your child and sign their homework. Tomorrow we have our swimming trials so please make sure that students are wearing their bathers under their uniform and they bring their towels and goggles.  Students will get changed upon return to school.  These trials are to determine the appropriate races that your child will be entered in for the Swimming Carnival on Thursday. Have a good week Mr McSevich

Week 4 mental strategy

Next week we will start a new mental addition strategy. Please watch the attached video before Monday and discuss this with your child.  I do not expect you to try the strategy, but if you would like to have a go at home.please do. Have a good weekend. Mr Mc

Week 3

Good afternoon This week swimming lesson will continue through to Thursday, so please ensure that rashies are sent with your child, especially if they are in the outdoor pool. Homework is based around our homework grid and all students have their spelling and maths books. Please work with your child to support them in completing their homework.  Remember that the video for this weeks mental strategy was up on Friday, so refer to this if your child needs reminding about how to use the strategy. If you have not collected iPads yet, please arrange to do so.

Week 2

Good afternoon Swimming lessons have started and all students appeared to be having fun, although a bit tired! I have spoken to the students about watching the video on the link below before Monday.  Please discuss this with your child but I am not expecting that they complete any work on this strategy beforehand.  I just ask that they come to school thinking about the mental strategy we will be practicing this week. Have a great weekend Sean McSevich

Welcome to Year 4!

Good morning and welcome to year 4! Mr Torrese and I are very excited about the year ahead and hopefully you are too! Mr T and I will use this Blog to help with communication, send out friendly reminders, update you on some of our learning and for homework. Homework this week will involve reading each night (please write in your child's diary the time spent reading) and mental maths Unit 2.  In class we have practiced the mental strategy but the attached video will help should you require reminding.  Please mark your child's homework daily. Friendly Jumps mental addition This Thursday we are having our Parent Information Night, starting at 3:15pm.  We look forward to seeing you all then. If you do have any questions, queries or concerns, please contact me as soon as possible. Once again, welcome to Yellow Room. Mr McSevich