Week 4

This week we will finish place value and the properties of odd and even numbers in maths, while in literacy we will continue working on procedures that we read and write.  I have set tasks in study ladder to extend and provide extra support so if your child is looking for something to read or do, they have their study ladder log in details.

Homework this week includes Unit 4 of the Mental Maths book and the homework grid.  Some students are doing superbly with completing items in the white boxes, so please remember to support your child and sign their homework.

Tomorrow we have our swimming trials so please make sure that students are wearing their bathers under their uniform and they bring their towels and goggles.  Students will get changed upon return to school.  These trials are to determine the appropriate races that your child will be entered in for the Swimming Carnival on Thursday.

Have a good week
Mr McSevich

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