
Showing posts from May, 2017

Week 4

Welcome to week 4, boy is this term flying. This week we are working on written multiplication strategies as we finish on double double as a mental multiplication strategy.  In literacy we are using synthesizing as we explore persuasive texts.  This strategy fits well as as we reflect on texts that we are reading.  The strategy helps us explore how our thinking changed, having used  prior knowledge and summarising while reading the text. In science we will begin a unit on materials and will be exploring toys that move in Design and Technology. For homework this week we are working on the 8 times tables, have spelling and our grid which includes nightly reading. I have also put a video on edmodo to be watched before Thursday to help us with our persuasive paragraph writing.

Mother's Day Assembly

Good afternoon This Friday is our prayer assembly and it is also Mother's day this weekend.  So I have decided to combine the two events and we will have a Mother's Day Themed Prayer Assembly. All students have readings, which we have been practicing for a few days now.  They also took photos of their readings on their Ipads today so they can access them to practice.  Please support your child by practicing their lines with them. It promises to be an exciting day that will get us thinking about our mothers.  It would be wonderful if you were able to join us, so we will hopefully see you Friday. Mr McSevich

Week 3

Welcome to week three. This week we are working on persuasive writing, having written our first persuasive exposition on 'Students being given Free Fruit at School'.  We will fine tune and work on how we can improve our detail, emotive language and structure as we work through this unit. Homework this week includes spelling, work on the Four times tables, reading and mathletics. Can you please support your child by having them bring their diaries to school Tomorrow. We also have our new photography assignment, where we are using camera angles to explore 'Soft'.  As with last week, students need to produce a pic collage of at least 10 photos that show the concept and focus.  Students also need to choose a photo that best shows the concept and the focus where they present this with a caption.  The two photos below were great examples from our first week and from what I have seen, this weeks photos are looking awesome!

Week 2 homework before Thursday

This week we will write our first persuasive piece.  So we are ready to start and have prior knowledge, please watch this video before Thursday.

Week 2 Photography Assignment


Term 2

Welcome to term 2. This term I will be changing homework to be hopefully more engaging. I am going to trial a new homework grid, where I have removed the mental maths book in place of work on the times tables .  Maths homework will involve work on the iPad including mathletics tasks, tasks set on study ladder and recall using times tables apps.  I will also include a significantly reduced math sheet which will be aimed at the times tables we are working on for the week.  I also encourage you to test and work with your child to help them with their times table of the fortnight. Homework will include reading, spelling and the times tables work outlined in the grid.  Mr T has also placed a video up to be watched before Wednesday. This term we will also be undertaking a photography unit using the iPad.  This will focus on composition and elements of photography in Art.  The unit will culminate in a photography competition which will be undertaken as part ...