Term 2

Welcome to term 2.

This term I will be changing homework to be hopefully more engaging. I am going to trial a new homework grid, where I have removed the mental maths book in place of work on the times tables.  Maths homework will involve work on the iPad including mathletics tasks, tasks set on study ladder and recall using times tables apps.  I will also include a significantly reduced math sheet which will be aimed at the times tables we are working on for the week.  I also encourage you to test and work with your child to help them with their times table of the fortnight.

Homework will include reading, spelling and the times tables work outlined in the grid.  Mr T has also placed a video up to be watched before Wednesday.

This term we will also be undertaking a photography unit using the iPad.  This will focus on composition and elements of photography in Art.  The unit will culminate in a photography competition which will be undertaken as part of the homework set this term.  Each week your child will need to take photographs on a set topic and using the composition technique we are working on.  They will need to complete a pic collage with ten photos that they have taken, and submit their favourite with a short caption on Showbie.  I will be working with them to show how we use showbie.

Early in the term we will be working on fractions and decimals before moving into money.  In literacy we will begin our work on persuasive texts as we try to convince the audience to take our viewpoint.

The video below shows some of the work we did towards the end of last term.  Students were set the task of coding a robot to follow a track.  However, the task was not as simple as first thought with students needing to solve subtraction sums and select from assigned codes to program the robot.  The task was a first taste for many students in coding and how we go about this.  It relied on accurate use of the formal subtraction algorithm as well as identification, ordering and recording of the steps involved in moving the robot around a preset course.  Students completed this in groups of three.

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