Week 9
Welcome to week 9 as we race towards the end of term.
Last week we spent some time working through what we have been ;learning about narratives, showing this in the awesome stories we have written about brussel sprouts! I can see that may people share my sentiment of these packed vegetables! This week we will begin out stories that will make into books.
Today we read two chapters of 'Birrung', exploring the way that convicts were treated on the boats sailing to Australia and the lack of respect they showed towards the Aboriginal people. In Maths we will continue to develop our division skills.
Homework this week is the same as last week. I have assigned tasks in mathletics in place of the times table sheet. The tasks will reinforce concepts that we are studying in maths lessons. I have also assigned a book in reading eggs for the students to read.
Thank you to all the people that have brought in their Shoebox donations, it is such an important and worthy cause. If you have not brought in your items, could you please do this by the end of the week. The letter outlining what to bring in here
Sports Carnival:
This Thursday is our whole school Athletics carnival. Students are asked to wear their faction shirt on Wednesday and Thursday. This year the students will be having a lunch break and therefore the canteen will be open for lunch. Details have been sent home of what will be available to purchase from the canteen.