Week 4 - Eucharist week
Good Afternoon and welcome to week 4. This Sunday we are making the Sacrament of Eucharist, so our lead up to this special day will be busy. We will be heading to the Church Thursday and Friday to practice in the Church what will happen Sunday. If your child is receiving the Sacrament and you have not returned the money or poster, please do so ASAP. Mass for all students starts at 9am Sunday, but please ensure you are there by 8:40 to be seated and prepared. The video below outlines how those receiving Eucharist will be processing to Father Ian and how they will receive the Eucharist. Parents, you will be involved, which is explained in the video. If your child is receiving Eucharist, please watch and discuss this video with your child before Tuesday. This week we are working on Poetry, but spend today reading illustrations from Shaun Tan's Book 'The Arrival' continuing on from some interesting discussion we had last wee on refugees. We are also st...