Week 5 Term 1

Good morning all, I hope you are having a relaxing weekend. I am particularly excited about this week as we will have our first uninterrupted week of learning! CLASSROOM In Mathematics, we have been finishing up our place value unit, and as a result the students will complete an assessment towards the end of the week to assess the concept covered in class thus far. Next we will move onto applying mental and written strategies to the four operations. Within this area we will begin to target some problem solving. Reading groups will start this week, where we will work intensely with a group each day to focus on developing their reading and comprehension skills. The other groups will be working on a range of activities that develop their comprehension and enhance their knowledge about the devices used in persuasive texts. Please note, there will be no change in Spelling words this week. Last week was very interrupted and we don't feel confident that the students have...