
Showing posts from March, 2018

Parent Interviews Timetable and Parent Help Roster

Good afternoon parents, For those parents who are unable to get to school to book a time for Parent Interviews, we have created a google doc for you to add your names at home/work. Please see the link below, Parent Interview Timetable and Parent Help Roster We will continually check and update the roster on the window so there is no doubling up. Many thanks, Sandy and Adrian

Mid Week Reminders

Good afternoon parents, Here a few reminders about two key events next week: Whole School Easter Raffle Just a reminder that each child is asked to bring in an Easter egg as a donation to the annual Easter Egg Raffle. This is a fantastic fundraiser for the school with all money being raised going to Project Compassion.  There is a basket near the window at the entry to the classroom for you to put your donation into. These are to be handed in by Monday, 26 March.  Holy Week As mentioned in previous posts, the Year 3/4 students will be sharing a reflection of the Resurrection on Thursday 29th May beginning at 9am in the Hall. We would love to have as many parents there as possible. All students have been given their roles and for those that have reading parts, we ask that the children practice these at home. The students are asked to come dressed in a simple costume reflective of the times of Jesus...think a small sheet and a tea towel. The more specific costum...

Week 8 Term 1

Good morning, I hope you are having a good weekend, I'm going to try and keep it brief today... CLASSROOM We congratulate Jack Roberts and Kobe Jennings on receiving a Merit Award last week. We have some new students who are 'On-A-Roll' in our class, as they have been working incredibly hard to show personal progress in different Learning Areas. We acknowledge Banjo, Zahra and Taylah for their wonderful efforts. Thank you to the amazing helpers who came on Friday morning and put in a mammoth effort to get our Resurrection Art completed. It looks amazing and it is going to look quite special in the Hall during Holy Week. Tomorrow morning the students will be completing their final writing task for the persuasive genre. The students were given time on Friday to plan out and form their arguments for the given topic. Using this planning sheet, they will be allowed 50 minutes to write as much as they can of this persuasive piece (more time may be given on a needs b...

Week 7 Term1

Good morning, I hope you are having a great weekend. As I sit here looking at the beautiful sunrise, I can't help be thankful for the amazing place we live and the opportunity I have to do what I love: that is teach your children! CLASSROOM LITERACY In Spelling last week we started to learn our new rules, one fun way to reinforce our knowledge of the words was to trace them on each others back. This proved to be highly motivating, yet a little more challenging than the children had thought! The students will continue to learn the same spelling rules this week, due to the shortened week last week. Last week the students began planning a Persuasive text on their own chosen class pet. We spent Wednesday and Thursday planning out our arguments and then on Friday we wrote our introduction. This week will continue to write our expositions; using high modality words, time connectives, varied sentence openers, emotive language and good paragraph structures. I look for...

Week 6: I love long weekends!

Good evening, What a well-timed long weekend! It was a a great chance to rest and recoup, with lots of fun things to do in the most beautiful place with the most beautiful weather! I hope you've had a wonderful break. This week is a short one, but  a full one. CLASSROOM Reading groups were a hit!!  As stated last week, reading groups have begun and I can happily report that both myself and the students were very excited when reading group time came around each day! The student's really enjoyed the variety of activities, as well as, working in a new format with different friends. Each week, we are going to focus on one of the 8 Reading Comprehension Strategies, using videos from the website  Into the Book . Please feel free to check out the website by clicking on the link. In Science last week, we began our study into 'Biological Sciences'. The students learnt about the life cycle of a sunflower (plant), which we will compare and contrast between the li...