Week 8 Term 1
Good morning,
I hope you are having a good weekend, I'm going to try and keep it brief today...
We congratulate Jack Roberts and Kobe Jennings on receiving a Merit Award last week.
We have some new students who are 'On-A-Roll' in our class, as they have been working incredibly hard to show personal progress in different Learning Areas. We acknowledge Banjo, Zahra and Taylah for their wonderful efforts.
Thank you to the amazing helpers who came on Friday morning and put in a mammoth effort to get our Resurrection Art completed. It looks amazing and it is going to look quite special in the Hall during Holy Week.
Tomorrow morning the students will be completing their final writing task for the persuasive genre. The students were given time on Friday to plan out and form their arguments for the given topic. Using this planning sheet, they will be allowed 50 minutes to write as much as they can of this persuasive piece (more time may be given on a needs basis). We have done a lot of work on this genre and are very happy to be moving onto something new, something a little more creative: narratives!
Our pet tadpoles (froglets) are doing well, 2 weeks with us and are still alive:) I am really impressed with the interest and engagement the children have shown towards them. The research and conversations that are being had, are far greater than I could have imagined! We upgraded their home on Friday into a larger tank, in preparation for them to grow their arms and drop their tails! Our task this week is to create a lid that allows air in but prevents them jumping out! Sounds like a Problem Solving task in the making!
On Friday's after school, I check homework books and have noticed over the last 3 weeks that at least two thirds of the class are NOT completing their homework consistently, especially their Spelling activities. Can you please ensure your child is making an effort to complete their homework by Friday morning.
1. Spelling - Look, Say Cover, Write, Check & at least 2 spelling activities (from the activity grid) a week.
2. Reading - 10 minutes each night and complete small section of Reading Log.
3. Mental Maths - Think Mentals, Unit 8, Day 1-4.
Parent Teacher Interviews - Week 9
In Year 4, parent teacher interviews will begin on Monday 26th March. A timetable will be placed on the 'Notices' window by Tuesday morning (this week) for you to book a time to meet with us. These are 10 minute meetings to discuss the academic and social developments of your child thus far. Please see me if you have any further questions about the interviews.
Uthando Doll Project
As part of the Year 4 Design and Technologies program, the students will be taking part in the Uthando Doll Making Project which involves creating dolls for children without parents in Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa.
Our class is currently learning about the production and use of natural and synthetic fibres for the materials strand of Design and Technology curriculum. This learning will greatly assist and enhance the process of creating the dolls.
We are asking for any help from parents on Wednesdays at 1:30pm, as from Week 9 of this term and into Term 2, with some hand sewing as well as some general assistance in the doll making process.
We are also inviting any parents and parishioners who would like to be part of the project to create their own doll that will be sent to a child in South Africa.
If you are able to help or would like be part of the project, we have a presentation by Mrs Lynn Tognolini, a founding member of the project, this Friday 23rd March at 1:30pm in our classroom if you would like to join us. Please find more information about the amazing project via the link above.
Interschool Swimming Carnival
The swimming carnival is on Thursday this week. We wish those going all the best!
Go Fish Musical
Your children have probably came home and shared the excitement of the musical they will be involved in next term. I have been asked to pass on the message that the Musical, Go Fish, will take place in Week 6 of Term 2 with a matinee on Wednesday evening and performance on Friday evening of that week. More information will be posted by Mrs Horrocks towards the end of term.
Holy Week
Next week (week 9) is Holy Week and on Thursday 29th March we will be presenting the Resurrection with the Year 3's. It will only be a short presentation in the hall at 9am, so if you are able to join us, we would love to see you there. Readings will be given to the students at the start of this week to practice. We don't want to cause a lot of stress at home, therefore we have kept costumes pretty simple and ask that students just wear a towel or tea towel on their heads (kept in place with a headband or elastic of some sort). Some children will have more specific parts, therefore may need a more specific costume. We will notify you personally if this is the case.
So as you can see, I'm not very good at keeping things brief!! Thanks again for your support,
Mrs Ricciardone & Mr Torrese
I hope you are having a good weekend, I'm going to try and keep it brief today...
We congratulate Jack Roberts and Kobe Jennings on receiving a Merit Award last week.
We have some new students who are 'On-A-Roll' in our class, as they have been working incredibly hard to show personal progress in different Learning Areas. We acknowledge Banjo, Zahra and Taylah for their wonderful efforts.
Thank you to the amazing helpers who came on Friday morning and put in a mammoth effort to get our Resurrection Art completed. It looks amazing and it is going to look quite special in the Hall during Holy Week.
Tomorrow morning the students will be completing their final writing task for the persuasive genre. The students were given time on Friday to plan out and form their arguments for the given topic. Using this planning sheet, they will be allowed 50 minutes to write as much as they can of this persuasive piece (more time may be given on a needs basis). We have done a lot of work on this genre and are very happy to be moving onto something new, something a little more creative: narratives!
Our pet tadpoles (froglets) are doing well, 2 weeks with us and are still alive:) I am really impressed with the interest and engagement the children have shown towards them. The research and conversations that are being had, are far greater than I could have imagined! We upgraded their home on Friday into a larger tank, in preparation for them to grow their arms and drop their tails! Our task this week is to create a lid that allows air in but prevents them jumping out! Sounds like a Problem Solving task in the making!
On Friday's after school, I check homework books and have noticed over the last 3 weeks that at least two thirds of the class are NOT completing their homework consistently, especially their Spelling activities. Can you please ensure your child is making an effort to complete their homework by Friday morning.
1. Spelling - Look, Say Cover, Write, Check & at least 2 spelling activities (from the activity grid) a week.
2. Reading - 10 minutes each night and complete small section of Reading Log.
3. Mental Maths - Think Mentals, Unit 8, Day 1-4.
Parent Teacher Interviews - Week 9
In Year 4, parent teacher interviews will begin on Monday 26th March. A timetable will be placed on the 'Notices' window by Tuesday morning (this week) for you to book a time to meet with us. These are 10 minute meetings to discuss the academic and social developments of your child thus far. Please see me if you have any further questions about the interviews.
Uthando Doll Project
As part of the Year 4 Design and Technologies program, the students will be taking part in the Uthando Doll Making Project which involves creating dolls for children without parents in Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa.
Our class is currently learning about the production and use of natural and synthetic fibres for the materials strand of Design and Technology curriculum. This learning will greatly assist and enhance the process of creating the dolls.
We are asking for any help from parents on Wednesdays at 1:30pm, as from Week 9 of this term and into Term 2, with some hand sewing as well as some general assistance in the doll making process.
We are also inviting any parents and parishioners who would like to be part of the project to create their own doll that will be sent to a child in South Africa.
If you are able to help or would like be part of the project, we have a presentation by Mrs Lynn Tognolini, a founding member of the project, this Friday 23rd March at 1:30pm in our classroom if you would like to join us. Please find more information about the amazing project via the link above.
Interschool Swimming Carnival
The swimming carnival is on Thursday this week. We wish those going all the best!
Go Fish Musical
Your children have probably came home and shared the excitement of the musical they will be involved in next term. I have been asked to pass on the message that the Musical, Go Fish, will take place in Week 6 of Term 2 with a matinee on Wednesday evening and performance on Friday evening of that week. More information will be posted by Mrs Horrocks towards the end of term.

Next week (week 9) is Holy Week and on Thursday 29th March we will be presenting the Resurrection with the Year 3's. It will only be a short presentation in the hall at 9am, so if you are able to join us, we would love to see you there. Readings will be given to the students at the start of this week to practice. We don't want to cause a lot of stress at home, therefore we have kept costumes pretty simple and ask that students just wear a towel or tea towel on their heads (kept in place with a headband or elastic of some sort). Some children will have more specific parts, therefore may need a more specific costume. We will notify you personally if this is the case.
So as you can see, I'm not very good at keeping things brief!! Thanks again for your support,
Mrs Ricciardone & Mr Torrese