Week 11: The count down is on!

So here we are at the last week of Term 1 already. Whilst it has flown by, I know we have worked incredibly hard, as both myself and the children are in desperate need of a sleep-in and a chilled out PJ's day!
So this week we will be summing up the units and pieces of work that we have been working on this Term, by completing assessments, spelling reviews, incomplete artwork, setting descriptions, story maps (Dreamtime) and the class novel. We will also continue to work on retell and comprehension through the use of 'The Twits' and a video on ANZAC Day in our Guided Reading groups.
A very busy start to the week, with some down time towards the end. Thank goodness!!
Spelling - NO LSCWC or activities
-This week is review week, where we will be reviewing the rules we have learnt this term. Activities will be completed in class to test the students retention of the spelling rules, with the final assessment Thursday.
Mental Maths - NO MENTAL MATHS this week due to Test Revision
Reading - Reading Log & Word Study Worksheet (combined worksheet)
- I have changed the Reading Log slightly, the students no longer have to do the review at the bottom, instead they have to complete a Word Study activity that relates to what we are doing in class.
Test Revision - the students will be given a revision note (Monday) for the concepts they need to know for the History, Science and Maths test later this week. We will be talking about all of the content together tomorrow and then their workbooks and revision note will be sent home. I have reduced the other homework, so they can study for these assessments on Thursday and Friday. If you are able to quiz them on the concepts, it would be greatly appreciated.
Euthando Dolls
This Wednesday 11th April, Adrian will be commencing the construction of the Euthnado doll. If any one is free to help from 1.30pm onwards, he would most appreciative. The more hands one deck, the smoother the session will run.
Maths Help
This Wednesday 11th April, Adrian has asked if any volunteers are available from 11.20-12.40pm to assist with the Maths groups. We are so grateful for the assistance you provide as it benefits your children greatly.
Assessment File
On Friday, the students will be bringing home a black folder which will have assessments and display work that was completed this term. This is for you to look through and send back at the start of next term. Just a reminder that all tests/assessments will also be uploaded onto your child's OneNote in the 'My Learning Journey' folder for you to refer to at any time.
Have a great week and a safe holiday.
Many thanks,
Sandy Ricciardone