Week 5 Term 2
Good morning, I'm hoping you've been able to keep safe and warm throughout this cold and blustery weekend. Take me back to last weekend, when I was sitting on the beach and soaking up the sun! CLASSROOM Congratulations to Jasper and Zahra on receiving a Merit award at Friday's assembly, they are shining stars in our class . 🎉 Religion We began the Eucharist banners this week and the students loved it. I must thank Sue-Ellen Phillips for donating some of her time to sew the hems for these banners. We have two sessions planned in this week to continue these, one of them being Friday at 11.30 - 12.40. If you are able to lend a hand at this session it would be handy as we will be sticking their pieces down to their banners with hot glue guns. It is not a problem if you can't, as I am already conscious of the amount of parent help we are receiving at this stage. Please know that it is always appreciated. Literacy 1. Reading Comprehension Strategy - This we...