Week 4 Term 2
Good evening,

What a glorious weekend... so difficult to think about returning work after the wonderful weather we've just had! Not to mention a girly wedding fix, checking out the nuptials of Harry and Meghan. I do love a wedding!
Congratulations to Saffi and Sophie on receiving a Merit award at Friday's assembly, their efforts in class are greatly appreciated.🎉

This week looks like this:
Mental Maths - Think Mentals, Unit 14
Reading - Reading Log
Take Home Readers - I have found a set of Take Home Readers in the library for the students who are now classified as 'Independent Readers' to borrow from each week. The books vary in level, so if you find one is too difficult please send it back so your child can choose another book. I will be sending home a book on a Monday with every child, this is to be returned the following week. If they want to swap it half way through the week for another I can do that for them, otherwise I am happy for them to read free choice AFTER they have read their Take Home Reader.
First Eucharist Money is NOW DUE
Just a reminder that those participating in the Eucharist, need to pay $10 to cover the costs of the little gifts, certificates and treat they will receive. I thank you to those people who have already handed this in.
Go Fish Musical - Friday Week 6
First Eucharist Mass - Sunday 17th June

What a glorious weekend... so difficult to think about returning work after the wonderful weather we've just had! Not to mention a girly wedding fix, checking out the nuptials of Harry and Meghan. I do love a wedding!
Congratulations to Saffi and Sophie on receiving a Merit award at Friday's assembly, their efforts in class are greatly appreciated.🎉

This week looks like this:
From this week onwards, we will be placing a large focus on the First Eucharist, including our Eucharist Art. I have decided that the students will make felt banners with their names and photos on (see the photo of the example). I hope the students enjoy making these and are able to hold onto them as a keepsake in years to come. All students will be making these.
From this week onwards, we will be placing a large focus on the First Eucharist, including our Eucharist Art. I have decided that the students will make felt banners with their names and photos on (see the photo of the example). I hope the students enjoy making these and are able to hold onto them as a keepsake in years to come. All students will be making these.
1. Reading Comprehension Strategy - This week we are putting our Reading Groups on hold, as we are at the drafting stage of our narratives and require longer writing sessions to ensure the concepts are modeled and then written correctly by the students.
2. Spelling - Kangaroo group - Prefixes – micro-, mega-, super-, hyper- (focus on size)
Possum group - Unaccented Final Syllable (le)
Lorakeet group - /sh/ sound – sh, ti, ch, si, ssi, ci
3. Narratives- this week we are planning and writing a draft of their own narrative. There will be a lot of teacher modeled writing sessions this week to ensure that their development of a plot is detailed and formed correctly.
Tomorrow (Monday 21st May) the students have their assessment on the Mental and Written Division strategies we've learnt in class. On Friday a revision sheet was sent home with the students with explanations and examples of each concept taught. Starting Tuesday, we will be starting the new topic of 'Chance and Probability'. Those that are away, will catch up on Tuesday.
In History, we will continue to explore Colonisation: identifying the famous exploration of the Dutch in East Asia and the affects it had on Australia. In Geography, we will be studying the indigenous tribe, Ngarigo, identifying their geographical location and the resources they used from the land to ensure they could survive in that area.
In History, we will continue to explore Colonisation: identifying the famous exploration of the Dutch in East Asia and the affects it had on Australia. In Geography, we will be studying the indigenous tribe, Ngarigo, identifying their geographical location and the resources they used from the land to ensure they could survive in that area.
Spelling - LSCWC (each night) and 1 activity (per week)
- (See above for the groups rules) Test on Thursday.
Spelling - LSCWC (each night) and 1 activity (per week)
- (See above for the groups rules) Test on Thursday.
Mental Maths - Think Mentals, Unit 14
Reading - Reading Log
- This term the students only have the Reading Log to complete, no additional Word Study or Book Review.
Assembly Date Change
Some of you may have noticed that there was an assembly date change, instead of being this Friday 25th May it will be on Friday Week 1 Term 3. This is because the assembly will be themed around the Euthando Doll Project and the presentation of the dolls to Lynn Tognolini. Apologies if this has caused any problems.
Euthando Double Up
This week there will be a double of the Euthando Doll Making session. The second session will take place on Friday the 25th May from 1.30 onwards. This will give those parents who aren't able to help on a Wednesday afternoon a chance to participate in the project. If you are free to lend a hand on Friday afternoon, it will be greatly appreciated!

Book Fair
Some of you may have noticed that there was an assembly date change, instead of being this Friday 25th May it will be on Friday Week 1 Term 3. This is because the assembly will be themed around the Euthando Doll Project and the presentation of the dolls to Lynn Tognolini. Apologies if this has caused any problems.
Euthando Double Up
This week there will be a double of the Euthando Doll Making session. The second session will take place on Friday the 25th May from 1.30 onwards. This will give those parents who aren't able to help on a Wednesday afternoon a chance to participate in the project. If you are free to lend a hand on Friday afternoon, it will be greatly appreciated!

Book Fair
On Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th of May, there is a book fair in the library. The library will be selling books from 8-9am and 3.30-4.30pm on these days.
First Eucharist Money is NOW DUE
First Eucharist Family Poster - The Count Down is On!
Thank you to those who have already returned their posters. Just a reminder that these are due on Monday 11th June, so we have enough time to display it at the church before the Eucharist mass.
Go Fish Musical - Friday Week 6
Matinee - Wednesday 6th June @ 1.30pm
Show - Friday 8th June @ 6.30pm (gold coin donation on the night)First Eucharist Mass - Sunday 17th June
On Sunday 17th June, we have our First Eucharist Mass where the children will receive communion for the first time. It is expected that everyone attends the mass, even those not receiving the sacrament, in support of their peers.
Enjoy the week!
Mrs Ricciardone & Mr Torrese
Enjoy the week!
Mrs Ricciardone & Mr Torrese