Week 6 Term 3

Good afternoon everyone,

What a perfect weekend, such a nice taste of what is to come very soon (I hope)!

Congratulations to 
Allira on receiving the Star Citizen Award at Friday's Assembly. She is a true ambassador of our school value 'RESPECT'.


Our inquiry project has begun! Today the students got the opportunity to select their animal from one of the continents; Africa, Asia, North America or South America. This project is multilayered and will integrate a few Learning areas over the next 4 weeks. All research and learning will be scaffolded and led by me to ensure we produce a quality final product. The tasks will include:
  1. Literacy - information report & oral presentation
  2. Geography - diorama of habitat (including country, continent, latitude longitude, altitude, climate, flora, fauna, predators, prey, etc) & poster (Pic Collage)
  3. Art - clay model of animal chosen
  4. Science - fossil foot/paw print of their chosen animal.
We will be heading on an excursion in week 9 to Discover Deadly to explore Australian reptiles, their habitats/enclosures and the adaptations they have made to live here in Australia. More information will come home soon, with a permission note for you to sign and return. Please keep your eyes peeled for this.

Speaking and Listening Speeches - We would like to congratulate the students who have presented thus far, the quality of each presentation has been excellent. The presenters this week are Zahra, Axton, Charlie, Toby, Sienna and Jye.


Spelling - LSCWC (each night) 
FOCUS: Kangaroos - Greek and Latin elements - cap, corp, pod/ped, dent/dont (definition focus)
            Possums - /f/ sound made by 'ph' and 'gh'
            Lorakeets - Adding 'ing' to VCe and VVC

Mental Maths - Think Mentals, Unit 25, Day 1-4

Reading - Reading Log 
READERS - Every child has now received a new reader for this week, unless they didn't return their previous one. Can you please ensure your child returns their reader on FRIDAY to allow us to swap them over in preparation for the following Monday.

It is important that students complete their reading log. This means writing in the date, title of the book and getting a signature from yourselves to say they have read.

NEW! Religion Assessment - Thursday 23rd August
Please encourage your child to look over what we have been learning about in regards to emotions, being filled with the Holy Spirit and Confirmation. This can be found in their Religion book.

Thank you for your support with the Mission Markets last week. The jelly cups were such a hit, so much so, that they sold out within no time!

If you haven't done so yet, can you please send these items and the $2.50 in by the 7th September that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you to those who have already done this. If you have any questions about the suitability of your chosen items or any concerns about participating, please let me know.

Just a reminder that school photos are on this Thursday and Friday. The time slot our class has been given is 1.50pm. Can you please ensure your child has a brush or comb to tidy their hair after lunch if there is a need to. 

REMEMBER the students must wear their full-school uniform WITH their green knit jumper.

You might want to start discussing with your child their costume for Book Week next Thursday 30th September. The theme is 'find your treasure', however the children are welcome to dress up as any of their favourite book character on this day.

School Photos: 23rd and 24th August
Athletics Jumps: 28th August
Book Week: 30th August

Athletics Throws: 4th September
Athletics Carnival: 6th September

Have a great week everyone!

Mrs Ricciardone

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