Week 8 Term 3
Good evening,

Happy Father's Day to all those wonderful Father's out there. I hope you have been waited upon and spoilt with love from your little cherubs!
Congratulations to Zahra and Hannah on receiving a Merit Award last week. Both these young ladies are outstanding role models within our classroom.
Here are a few updates for the week ahead, please note that the homework is slightly different for the following two weeks due to our Inquiry Project!
The students have their Athletics Throws on Wednesday at 10.20am. You are more than welcome to come and watch this event.
On Friday the Athletics Carnival will begin at 9.30am and finish approximately at 2pm. You are more than welcome to take your child home at the end of the day, however you will need to print, sign and return the permission slip found in last week's newsletter before the end of the week. I will print spare copies and have them in class, if you want to pop in and sign one before Friday. Please see last week's newsletter on the school website for further details.
The students will finish planning their animal's diorama tomorrow morning. I encouraged the students last week to begin collecting items for their dioramas over the weekend. We will begin creating these dioramas on Tuesday afternoon. The students will be given 4 sessions over the next two weeks to complete this project in class.
The students will not need all their items on Tuesday, however it is important that ALL students have brought in a shoe box to start painting their backgrounds. Please contact me if you have any questions about this.
As you know we are off to Discover Deadly on Wednesday the 12th of September. An excursion note was given out last Thursday afternoon, can you please ensure the permission slip is returned by Wednesday this week. So far I have two parent helpers, I am hoping for at least one more:)
On Monday of week 10 (17th of Sept) OLC will be holding a Learning Journey afternoon. This is a open classroom opportunity for you to come into Year 4 with your child after school. You will be invited to have a look around the classroom and the children can show you some of the work they have been doing over the year.
The classroom will be open from 3.30pm - 5.00pm for you to come in at your leisure. I look forward to sharing this wonderful year of work with you and your child. If you have any queries or questions, please email me.
The presenters this week are Zali (Wed), Allira (Wed), Jasper (Fri) and Annabelle (Fri).
HOMEWORK:Spelling - LSCWC (each night)
FOCUS: Kangaroos - Greek and Latin elements - 'gen', 'mort' and 'bio' Possums - Prefixes - 're' and 'un'
Lorakeets - Adding 'ed'
Mental Maths - NO MENTAL MATHS FOR THE FOLLOWING TWO WEEKS! (We will still do Day 5 in class on Friday)
Reading 10 mins each night - Reading Log It is important that students complete their reading log. This means writing in the date, title of the book and getting a signature from yourselves to say they have read.
In Geography we have been researching the student's chosen animal's habitat, in preparation to make the student's dioramas. The students are to use Pic Collage to display the information they have found in the form of a poster. The students will begin this on Tuesday in class. A success criteria will be shown for the students to see what is expected.
THE POSTER IS DUE: TUESDAY 11th September (Week 9)
Have a great week everyone. Let's hope the sunshine starts to appear, now that spring is here!
Mrs Ricciardone & Mr Torrese

Happy Father's Day to all those wonderful Father's out there. I hope you have been waited upon and spoilt with love from your little cherubs!
Congratulations to Zahra and Hannah on receiving a Merit Award last week. Both these young ladies are outstanding role models within our classroom.
Here are a few updates for the week ahead, please note that the homework is slightly different for the following two weeks due to our Inquiry Project!
The students have their Athletics Throws on Wednesday at 10.20am. You are more than welcome to come and watch this event.
On Friday the Athletics Carnival will begin at 9.30am and finish approximately at 2pm. You are more than welcome to take your child home at the end of the day, however you will need to print, sign and return the permission slip found in last week's newsletter before the end of the week. I will print spare copies and have them in class, if you want to pop in and sign one before Friday. Please see last week's newsletter on the school website for further details.
The students will finish planning their animal's diorama tomorrow morning. I encouraged the students last week to begin collecting items for their dioramas over the weekend. We will begin creating these dioramas on Tuesday afternoon. The students will be given 4 sessions over the next two weeks to complete this project in class.
The students will not need all their items on Tuesday, however it is important that ALL students have brought in a shoe box to start painting their backgrounds. Please contact me if you have any questions about this.
As you know we are off to Discover Deadly on Wednesday the 12th of September. An excursion note was given out last Thursday afternoon, can you please ensure the permission slip is returned by Wednesday this week. So far I have two parent helpers, I am hoping for at least one more:)
On Monday of week 10 (17th of Sept) OLC will be holding a Learning Journey afternoon. This is a open classroom opportunity for you to come into Year 4 with your child after school. You will be invited to have a look around the classroom and the children can show you some of the work they have been doing over the year.
The classroom will be open from 3.30pm - 5.00pm for you to come in at your leisure. I look forward to sharing this wonderful year of work with you and your child. If you have any queries or questions, please email me.
The presenters this week are Zali (Wed), Allira (Wed), Jasper (Fri) and Annabelle (Fri).
HOMEWORK:Spelling - LSCWC (each night)
FOCUS: Kangaroos - Greek and Latin elements - 'gen', 'mort' and 'bio' Possums - Prefixes - 're' and 'un'
Lorakeets - Adding 'ed'
Mental Maths - NO MENTAL MATHS FOR THE FOLLOWING TWO WEEKS! (We will still do Day 5 in class on Friday)
Reading 10 mins each night - Reading Log It is important that students complete their reading log. This means writing in the date, title of the book and getting a signature from yourselves to say they have read.
In Geography we have been researching the student's chosen animal's habitat, in preparation to make the student's dioramas. The students are to use Pic Collage to display the information they have found in the form of a poster. The students will begin this on Tuesday in class. A success criteria will be shown for the students to see what is expected.
THE POSTER IS DUE: TUESDAY 11th September (Week 9)

Mrs Ricciardone & Mr Torrese