Week 2 Term 1 2019
Good afternoon parents,
What a stunning weekend to relax in the sun, giving us a chance to rest and recoup from our first week of school. Last week was a great start to the year, we accomplished so much work.
Firstly we worked hard to set some SMART goals about what type of learner we wanted to be this year. In this, each student made a promise of what they are going to aim to do. Please come in and check out what your child has chose!
Another activity we completed was associated with the making of our class rules. To do this we had to look at the school values of COMPASSION, APPRECIATION, RESPECT and EXCELLENCE and how these should look, feel and sound in our school. The students in pairs had to illustrate these ideas onto templates to display under our values. Look below:
In Religion we have started the unit called 'Loved and Forgiven' and in this unit the students learn how to carryout love and forgiveness, just as Jesus did. Within this unit the students will revise the sacrament of Reconciliation and study further Holy Week and the sacrifices Jesus made for us. Mrs Martin got her creative flair on with the students and created beautiful crosses to symbolise Jesus and his love for us. They then underneath had to write one thing they are thankful for.
Lastly, my favourite thing of the week was the student's 'All About Me T-shirts' where the students had to share more information about themselves through writing and illustrations. The children did such a wonderful job with these, they are hanging proudly on display!
Among all of this, we completed a range of tests to ensure our Reading, Math and Spelling groups were able to be up and running in week 2.
So if your child was tired on Friday, you can probably see why! This week looks to be just as great:)
This week the students have:
1. Reading - Students are to read for 10 minutes each night and enter it into their Reading Log (the students will receive a Reader tomorrow, once the students have read this we ask that the students read a book from home).
2. Timetables practise - this is the last week we are focusing on our 4 timestables. They will be tested at the end of the week! The students are to practise at least 5 times throughout the week at home. We are hoping that you are able to quiz them as often as possible to ensure their recall of their timestable facts is accurate and efficient. Please sign their Homework log when you have done this.
3. Mental Maths- Complete Unit 1, p.2&3
4. Spelling - the students are to complete LSCWC with their new spelling words each night. They are to also complete dictionary meanings for their words which are due on Friday morning.
PLEASE NOTE: The students do not have to bring their Homework book to school each day. I will be collecting their finished homework on FRIDAY , as well as the Reader they were given for the week.
The first P&F Meeting will be next Wednesday 13th February at 9am in the Staff Room. Please come along and be a part of an exciting 2019!
School Board and P&F AGM – Thursday 28th February
All families are encouraged to attend the AGM on Thursday 28th February at 7pm. At this meeting there will be reports from the Parish, School Board, P&F and School. The reports will detail the achievements in 2018, together with plans and goals for 2019.
Family Detail Forms
These forms were sent out on Friday afternoon. Please check all details, update where necessary (including any new medical details), sign and return to the box outside the school office by the end of next week.
From Sandpit to Adulthood - Maggie Dent
We are again including the promotion of the Maggie Dent seminar that the P&F have organised for our school next week. Register before the event is sold out. Visit our website https://www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au/index.html to book for this well sought-after speaker.
Swimming 2019
Swimming lessons will take place this term in Weeks 6 and 7. We will have our lessons at the beach. Our lesson starts at 1.05pm and finishes at 12.45pm. We will be leaving school at 12.50pm to get to the beach in time for our lesson.
The swimming forms were sent home on Friday. Please return them as soon as possible.
Please email or see us if you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, we will be more than happy to help.
Have a great week:)
Many thanks,
Mrs Ricciardone & Mrs Martin
What a stunning weekend to relax in the sun, giving us a chance to rest and recoup from our first week of school. Last week was a great start to the year, we accomplished so much work.
Firstly we worked hard to set some SMART goals about what type of learner we wanted to be this year. In this, each student made a promise of what they are going to aim to do. Please come in and check out what your child has chose!
Another activity we completed was associated with the making of our class rules. To do this we had to look at the school values of COMPASSION, APPRECIATION, RESPECT and EXCELLENCE and how these should look, feel and sound in our school. The students in pairs had to illustrate these ideas onto templates to display under our values. Look below:
In Religion we have started the unit called 'Loved and Forgiven' and in this unit the students learn how to carryout love and forgiveness, just as Jesus did. Within this unit the students will revise the sacrament of Reconciliation and study further Holy Week and the sacrifices Jesus made for us. Mrs Martin got her creative flair on with the students and created beautiful crosses to symbolise Jesus and his love for us. They then underneath had to write one thing they are thankful for.
Lastly, my favourite thing of the week was the student's 'All About Me T-shirts' where the students had to share more information about themselves through writing and illustrations. The children did such a wonderful job with these, they are hanging proudly on display!
Among all of this, we completed a range of tests to ensure our Reading, Math and Spelling groups were able to be up and running in week 2.
So if your child was tired on Friday, you can probably see why! This week looks to be just as great:)
This week the students have:
1. Reading - Students are to read for 10 minutes each night and enter it into their Reading Log (the students will receive a Reader tomorrow, once the students have read this we ask that the students read a book from home).
2. Timetables practise - this is the last week we are focusing on our 4 timestables. They will be tested at the end of the week! The students are to practise at least 5 times throughout the week at home. We are hoping that you are able to quiz them as often as possible to ensure their recall of their timestable facts is accurate and efficient. Please sign their Homework log when you have done this.
3. Mental Maths- Complete Unit 1, p.2&3
4. Spelling - the students are to complete LSCWC with their new spelling words each night. They are to also complete dictionary meanings for their words which are due on Friday morning.
PLEASE NOTE: The students do not have to bring their Homework book to school each day. I will be collecting their finished homework on FRIDAY , as well as the Reader they were given for the week.
Wednesday 13
February at 9am
in the Staff Room. Please come
P&F MeetingThe first P&F Meeting will be next Wednesday 13th February at 9am in the Staff Room. Please come along and be a part of an exciting 2019!
School Board and P&F AGM – Thursday 28th February
All families are encouraged to attend the AGM on Thursday 28th February at 7pm. At this meeting there will be reports from the Parish, School Board, P&F and School. The reports will detail the achievements in 2018, together with plans and goals for 2019.
Family Detail Forms
These forms were sent out on Friday afternoon. Please check all details, update where necessary (including any new medical details), sign and return to the box outside the school office by the end of next week.
From Sandpit to Adulthood - Maggie Dent
We are again including the promotion of the Maggie Dent seminar that the P&F have organised for our school next week. Register before the event is sold out. Visit our website https://www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au/index.html to book for this well sought-after speaker.
Swimming 2019
Swimming lessons will take place this term in Weeks 6 and 7. We will have our lessons at the beach. Our lesson starts at 1.05pm and finishes at 12.45pm. We will be leaving school at 12.50pm to get to the beach in time for our lesson.
The swimming forms were sent home on Friday. Please return them as soon as possible.
Please email or see us if you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, we will be more than happy to help.
Have a great week:)
Many thanks,
Mrs Ricciardone & Mrs Martin