Week 9 Term 1

Good evening parents,

Welcome to Week 9! I can't believe it is only 8 more school days until the holidays! This term has flew by.

It has been such a pleasure meeting with you all over the past week. I feel so lucky to have such supportive and caring parents who are so invested in their child's well-being. Thank you for being so receptive to my feedback and I hope that if anything arises over the year you feel comfortable in approaching me to have a chat.

Congratulations to Holly Kerr for receiving our Merit Certificate last week. She is a kind and caring class mate who shows endless compassion for those around her.
I'm sending a very big thank you for the delicious food provided for our shared recess on Friday. Harmony Day was such a fun day...the kids had a great time making friendship bracelets, learning about the different flags of the world and some of them had a chance to learn a Scottish jig!

The children had a chance to reflect on what Harmony Day means to them as well as write a prayer offering their thanks for our amazing community!

A massive thanks to the parents who came in and offered their time to assist with an activity and set up the food. These days can never run so well without the help of our community.
Crazy Hair Day - On Thursday it is Crazy Hair Day. The students may wear crazy hair for a gold coin donation. All money raised goes to Project Compassion as part of our Easter Appeal.

Parent Help Needed – Thank you to the extra help I have received so far  during our Literacy sessions, it makes such a difference having an extra pair of hands in the classroom. If you are able to help, we would love to have you on Monday and Tuesday mornings at 9am for around 30 minutes...no experience necessary!

Laptops - Just a couple of reminders about these:
  • Charging - please make sure that your child is bringing their laptop to school each day with a reasonable amount of charge. I understand the benefits of letting them run down to zero to maintain battery life but it is important that they have enough charge to get them through the day. I am unable to charge them as I don't have a cord for them.
  • Teams - I would like to ask that you are checking your child's interaction on here. I have spoken to the students about making sure that this is a learning space and not a social space.
  • Concerns - if you are having any concerns or problems with your child's laptop, Mrs Janine Johnson works here at OLC on Monday and Thursday. She is available on email if you need any advice - she will get to it when she can. Her email is janine.johnson@cewa.edu.au
Friendology Ninja Camp - Mrs Delane has come across this on the URstrong social media page on the weekend. It would be great to see if any of you might be interested in taking your children.


We have begun writing our narratives this week, the students began working on their settings and will today move into their character descriptions. They will work on drafting these all week before having a go at publishing into Word next week.

In our reading groups we have begun looking at the Easter Story in depth. Each day leading up to Easter we will be looking at one part of the Easter story to help the students deepen their understanding of this special time within our church.

The students have an Easter Story Reading Comprehension activity saved to their laptops - please take some time to sit down and discuss your child's responses to these prompts. It is a great chance to engage with the new tech as well as give your child some tips on using Word.

We completed our Science and HASS assessments today to conclude our Term 1 units. Our Health assessment will occur next week - I will confirm that date and it will be in your child's diary to help them review.


Please see below for the homework assigned for this week. If you can please support your child to complete all parts of their homework each week. This helps with their personal organisation reduces anxiety of getting in trouble when it is not done. 

Please take some time to check your child's OneNote this week as we have moved our diaries to the digital realm. This part of their diary will be updated each Thursday and it will include reminders for your child for any assessments that may be coming up as well as important events.

This is a little tricky to get the hang of...I would love it if you would take some time to sit down with your child to help them practice typing into a document - they type in the wrong spots and things disappear and we have tears. Please show them the Undo button!!
1. Reading - You will notice that this week the students did not have a reading log this week. We decided that it would make life easier if we could encourage you to have your child read out loud to you but not have them stress about remembering to write it in.
2. Timetables practise 7's - The students are to practise at least 4 times throughout the week at home. 
3. Mental Maths- Complete Unit 8, p 16 & 17. This will be marked in class on a Friday morning so please make sure your child includes this in their homework folder on Friday.

4. Spelling - the students are to complete LSCWC with their spelling words each night and their dictionary definitions are due in on Friday.

Have a great week!

Mrs Ricciardone & Mrs Martin

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