Week 3 Term 2
Good afternoon parents,
I hope you had a wonderful weekend and all our special 4R Mother's were spoilt by your little cherubs. Fingers crossed their little messages brightened your day and showed you how much you are truly loved by them.💕
Our congratulations go out to many people this week, first to our 'On-A-Roll' workers; Lily, Kirra and Rhavi who have received some excellent results in their recent assessments. I am always on the look for these special achievements!
Our second congratulations go to our first recipients of their pen licenses. They consistently take pride in their workbooks with beautiful handwriting. I am looking forward to presenting more on Thursday as there a couple of children who are working hard to reach this goal.
Term 2 Run Down!
Now that we are well and truly into the second term I thought it is time to give you a brief insight into what we have install for the rest of the term.
So far in Literacy we have started laying the foundation of what makes a good procedure; focusing on structure, language and effective writing strategies.This week we will place a heavy focus on adverbs, verbs, time verbs and the importance of writing clear, detailed, yet succinct instructions.
They will have a bit of fun this week creating a chatterbox following a very basic set of instructions. After creating it, their role will be to improve the given procedure, this will involve them using their laptop to take better images.
They will have a bit of fun this week creating a chatterbox following a very basic set of instructions. After creating it, their role will be to improve the given procedure, this will involve them using their laptop to take better images.
Once our unit on procedures is complete we will move onto poetry and its different types.
In Math's this term we are going to be covering a range of tough topics!! We have started with an easier one in Measurement, identifying the different units of measure within length, mass, capacity and volume. From there we will endeavour to cover the written strategies of multiplication and division, as well as fractions, decimals and percentages.
Obviously our RE program is well under way, focusing on the Eucharist. We will first look at it's history and significance. Then closer to the big day we will focus on the symbols and actions carried out within the Mass. Our prayer buddies will be involved in all activities.
In Science, we are focusing on forces. The children will study the different types of forces and have a chance to experiment and explore how these forces work.
In HASS, we will be focusing on History and studying the First Australians. We started by looking at famous archaeological sites around Australia that show us remnants of how they lived. We will go on and explore how they lived, their language, beliefs, stories and culture. The students will complete a small research assignment for homework towards the end of the term, that will then need to be presented to the class in the last couple weeks of term. I will keep you posted.
Lastly in Art, the children will be creating a series of pieces. They are currently studying warm and cool colours and the affects they have on people's moods. The student's began their colour tree last week and will continue this week (see right). Be sure to drop in next week to see them around the class!
They will then move onto creating a felt Eucharist banner, which will be displayed at the church on the day. We will probably need some parent help during these sessions and will put a call out closer to the dates, to ensure the students are using the craft equipment (e.g. hot glue guns) safely.
So as you can see, we are very busy beavers this term!
In Science, we are focusing on forces. The children will study the different types of forces and have a chance to experiment and explore how these forces work.
In HASS, we will be focusing on History and studying the First Australians. We started by looking at famous archaeological sites around Australia that show us remnants of how they lived. We will go on and explore how they lived, their language, beliefs, stories and culture. The students will complete a small research assignment for homework towards the end of the term, that will then need to be presented to the class in the last couple weeks of term. I will keep you posted.

They will then move onto creating a felt Eucharist banner, which will be displayed at the church on the day. We will probably need some parent help during these sessions and will put a call out closer to the dates, to ensure the students are using the craft equipment (e.g. hot glue guns) safely.
So as you can see, we are very busy beavers this term!
Please see below for the homework assigned for this week. If you can please support your child to complete all parts of their homework each week. This helps with their personal organisation reduces anxiety of getting in trouble when it is not done.
1. Reading - Students are to read for 10 minutes each night.
2. Timetables practise 8's - The students are to practice at least 4 times throughout the week at home.
3. Mental Maths- Complete Unit 12, p 24 & 25. This will be marked on Friday morning so please make sure your child brings their homework books on this day.
4. Spelling - the students are to complete LSCWC with their spelling words each night and put their words into a appropriate sentence. These are due in on Friday.
Book Fair
On Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd of May, there is a book fair in the library. The library will be selling books from 8-9am and 3.30-4.30pm on these days.
Eucharist Commitment Mass (aka Yr4 Family Mass)
On Saturday 18th May, we have our Eucharist Commitment Mass at Our Lady of the Southern Cross at 6pm. All Year 4 students are to attend, as this is also our Family Mass. The students are asked to be there at 5.45pm.
A reminder to the Eucharist candidates to bring a loaf of bread with the slip attached (given at workshop) to place at the altar. You are most welcome to stay after mass to share in some pizza together.
A reminder to the Eucharist candidates to bring a loaf of bread with the slip attached (given at workshop) to place at the altar. You are most welcome to stay after mass to share in some pizza together.
Walk to School Day
On Friday 17th May, we are celebrating Walk to School Day are encouraging families to walk to school. This coincides with the opening of the new pedestrian path being built along Cape Naturaliste Road. If you live a fair distance from school, there has been a suggestion for people to park at Blue Manna and walk to school along the new path. The mayor will be joining our assembly on Friday to celebrate this special event. So if you can, lets make an effort to smash our step count on that day!
Have a great week everyone!
Sandy and Alison
Pupil Free Day - Staff Professional Development Day
Just a reminder that on Friday 24th May, there will be a pupil free day as the teacher's will be involved in a Bright Paths PD.
Have a great week everyone!
Sandy and Alison