What week 3 Already!?!
Good morning everyone, It's amazing the difference a bit of sunshine can make to one's mood and outlook on life! Yesterday was such a perfect summer's day in the middle of spring, a great little taste of what's to come. I know I made the most of it while it was here, I hope you too had fun out in the sun with your loved ones xx This morning was such a beautiful way to start the week, my heart was filled with so much love and gratitude watching the students interact with their grandparents. The students first treated their guests with a little gift we had made for them. They then completed an interview with their grandparent, exploring many new things about them like what they loved to play, read and do at school. Lastly the students proudly took their grandparents on a little tour of the class, showing off their quality pieces of work! Here are a few pics from this morning😊 REMINDERS - WEEK 3 Assembly Week 3 - Assembly will begin at 2.10pm...