Week 2 Term 4
Good morning everyone,
What a dream weekend, I hope you had a great one! Perfect for any activity whether it was relaxing at family camp, mulling around Dunsborough and getting to the beach or hitting the big smoke to visit family and friends. For us, it was hanging by our pool and soaking up some much needed sun!
Last week, we ended it with a visit to St Mary McKillop for an Open Day at the college. It was so fantastic to see so many OLC parents taking up the opportunity to take a tour and see what was on offer. Our students were so well behaved and loved the activities they got to experience.
We first got to test our cooking abilities and make scrumptious fruit smoothies. It was great to see the students work so closely with the Year 9's listening and following their every direction. It was quite funny to see the shocked looks on their faces when it was time to wash up and clean their kitchens.
We then got to draw self portraits of themselves using oil pastels without lifting the pastel off the page. The kids had a lot of fun doing this and were highly engaged! You would have seen the excellent results in their pieces they brought home last Friday.
Lastly we tested our acting abilities in Drama. The students were amazing at working as a team when playing charades to score as many points to be the winning team. They had fun being animals, objects and occupations. There were many interesting actions and poses going on!!
Take a look!
Change to Assembly Time for Term 4 - Just a reminder that we are trialing a new time for Assembly this term, beginning at 2.15pm. There is an assembly this week and merit awards will be presented.

Wheelie, Walkie, Waste Free Wednesday's - These kick off this week and will run for Week's 2 through to 5. There is a class challenge and I would love for 4R to kick butt and show we are the BEST CLASS IN THE SCHOOL! Let's see how many students we can get wheeling or walking. If you are unable to wheel or walk, please make sure your child is coming with as much nude food (no packaging) as possible.
Interschool Athletics Carnival - This will take place this Thursday the 24th October. There are three students attending from our class. If your child is one of those children, can you please send in the permission slip that was sent home last week. Please see Mrs Sinclair if you have any questions.
Opening of the New Building - Bishop Gerard will be coming to formally open and bless the new buildings on Friday 25th October.
Confirmation - All Year 4 students and their families are warmly invited to attend the Confirmation Mass on Saturday 26th October beginning at 6pm. All students are invited to come and support the Year 6's at this special time and join in the choir.
Grandparents Day - One of our favourite days of the year! All grandparents are warmly invited to come and visit on Monday 28th October, please let them know if you haven't already! Further details will follow in the newsletter.
3. Spelling - LSCWC & Word Study Activity Sheet (NEW!! PLEASE CHECK THIS OUT!!) These are to be completed by Friday.
4. Champion Life Challenges - If you can encourage your child to complete at least one video challenge a week. This is a fantastic initiative which whilst increasing levels of physical activity also aims to inspire students through valuable life learning.
Have a great week, lets hope the sun keeps shining!!

Mrs Ricciardone & Mrs Martin
What a dream weekend, I hope you had a great one! Perfect for any activity whether it was relaxing at family camp, mulling around Dunsborough and getting to the beach or hitting the big smoke to visit family and friends. For us, it was hanging by our pool and soaking up some much needed sun!
Last week, we ended it with a visit to St Mary McKillop for an Open Day at the college. It was so fantastic to see so many OLC parents taking up the opportunity to take a tour and see what was on offer. Our students were so well behaved and loved the activities they got to experience.
We first got to test our cooking abilities and make scrumptious fruit smoothies. It was great to see the students work so closely with the Year 9's listening and following their every direction. It was quite funny to see the shocked looks on their faces when it was time to wash up and clean their kitchens.
We then got to draw self portraits of themselves using oil pastels without lifting the pastel off the page. The kids had a lot of fun doing this and were highly engaged! You would have seen the excellent results in their pieces they brought home last Friday.
Lastly we tested our acting abilities in Drama. The students were amazing at working as a team when playing charades to score as many points to be the winning team. They had fun being animals, objects and occupations. There were many interesting actions and poses going on!!
Take a look!
Change to Assembly Time for Term 4 - Just a reminder that we are trialing a new time for Assembly this term, beginning at 2.15pm. There is an assembly this week and merit awards will be presented.

Wheelie, Walkie, Waste Free Wednesday's - These kick off this week and will run for Week's 2 through to 5. There is a class challenge and I would love for 4R to kick butt and show we are the BEST CLASS IN THE SCHOOL! Let's see how many students we can get wheeling or walking. If you are unable to wheel or walk, please make sure your child is coming with as much nude food (no packaging) as possible.
Interschool Athletics Carnival - This will take place this Thursday the 24th October. There are three students attending from our class. If your child is one of those children, can you please send in the permission slip that was sent home last week. Please see Mrs Sinclair if you have any questions.
Opening of the New Building - Bishop Gerard will be coming to formally open and bless the new buildings on Friday 25th October.
Confirmation - All Year 4 students and their families are warmly invited to attend the Confirmation Mass on Saturday 26th October beginning at 6pm. All students are invited to come and support the Year 6's at this special time and join in the choir.
Grandparents Day - One of our favourite days of the year! All grandparents are warmly invited to come and visit on Monday 28th October, please let them know if you haven't already! Further details will follow in the newsletter.
1. Reading - As part of our reading group rotations, the students will be writing a book review on a familiar book of their choice. Students are to read for 15 minutes each night. Please encourage them to read out loud to you at least twice a week.
2. Mental Maths- Complete Unit 28, p 58& 59. All sections are to be completed by Friday. These are marked in class every morning.
3. Spelling - LSCWC & Word Study Activity Sheet (NEW!! PLEASE CHECK THIS OUT!!) These are to be completed by Friday.
4. Champion Life Challenges - If you can encourage your child to complete at least one video challenge a week. This is a fantastic initiative which whilst increasing levels of physical activity also aims to inspire students through valuable life learning.
Have a great week, lets hope the sun keeps shining!!

Mrs Ricciardone & Mrs Martin