Week 6 Term 4
Good morning parents,

Welcome to another wonderful week here in 4R...I hope that you enjoyed the beautiful warm weather. We took a bike ride around the bay over the weekend and once I blocked out the whinging from my boys...I came to the realisation that we are so lucky to live in such a gorgeous place with such beautiful sights at our doorstep.
Vinnies Hamper Appeal - This excellent initiative is once again up and running in 4R and is an excellent opportunity for our children to show the spirit of Jesus. We are asking for donations of toiletries - thinking toothpaste, toothbrushes, wrapped soap packets, sanitary pads, hairbrushes, hair lackeys etc. These will all be boxed up by the Year 6 students into hampers that will be delivered directly to families in Dunsborough that are doing it a little tough! Your support is greatly appreciated.
Fire Drill - Tuesday 26th November - Just a reminder that there was an important email sent out last week outlining the plans for this afternoon. Please check in to make sure you are ready for this.
We have reduced homework until the end of the year, as we are all becoming very tired and in need of fresh air and rejuvenation instead of pushing ourselves too far.
3. Spelling - LSCWC Sheet. These are to be completed by Friday.
Have a great week!
Mrs Ricciardone & Mrs Martin

Welcome to another wonderful week here in 4R...I hope that you enjoyed the beautiful warm weather. We took a bike ride around the bay over the weekend and once I blocked out the whinging from my boys...I came to the realisation that we are so lucky to live in such a gorgeous place with such beautiful sights at our doorstep.
From Mrs Martin...Thank
you to all our parent and grandparent helpers who helped us with the Uthando
Doll Project. It was such a lovely afternoon shared by all, the children were so proud to show what they had completed. Thanks to those who could make it, it was nice to be able to reward you with your efforts.
Last Wednesday we enjoyed time spent with Mrs Campbell and her friends,
along with our parent and grandparent helpers, sharing our gorgeous dolls and
afternoon tea. Everyone was very impressed with the children’s love and effort
displayed during the project. Mrs Campbell told us that our dolls with be part
of a shipment of 3000 dolls leaving Fremantle Port in 2 weeks bound for the
children of KwaZulu- Natal, South Africa.
What a very special project to be
involved in!
Fire Drill - Tuesday 26th November - Just a reminder that there was an important email sent out last week outlining the plans for this afternoon. Please check in to make sure you are ready for this.

1. Reading - Students are to read for 15 minutes each night. Please encourage them to read out loud to you at least twice a week.
2. Mental Maths- Complete Unit 33. All sections are to be completed by Friday.
3. Spelling - LSCWC Sheet. These are to be completed by Friday.
Have a great week!
I look forward to seeing you soon!