Welcome to 6R for 2020!
Good morning,
Welcome to Year 6! I hope you all had a relaxing holiday enjoying the summer weather and making precious family memories. Whilst it has gone quickly, I am happy to be getting back into it and setting some routines to keep me on the straight and narrow.

Words fail to express how lucky and privileged both Alison and I feel to be having this group of students again before they leave OLC. Since having them in 2018, I have seen some amazing maturity and growth take place (I thank Mr D and you wonderful parents for that). For this reason, I expect big things from them all, as I know they are incredible little humans and have such great potential as the leaders of the school.
Welcome to Year 6! I hope you all had a relaxing holiday enjoying the summer weather and making precious family memories. Whilst it has gone quickly, I am happy to be getting back into it and setting some routines to keep me on the straight and narrow.

Words fail to express how lucky and privileged both Alison and I feel to be having this group of students again before they leave OLC. Since having them in 2018, I have seen some amazing maturity and growth take place (I thank Mr D and you wonderful parents for that). For this reason, I expect big things from them all, as I know they are incredible little humans and have such great potential as the leaders of the school.
Each student will need to take on greater roles and responsibilities this year in preparation for high school, enabling a smooth transition. As well as greater academic responsibilities, they will also be apart of a Ministry team that carries out different roles weekly.
Here are some ways you can help support your child throughout the year:
- Check in with them regularly to see how they feel they are going in class, both socially and academically, please communicate with us any continuous concerns that may arise.
- Keep your child accountable by checking their diaries every Thursday night to ensure they are keeping up to date with their homework (home learning grid), as well as any additional study or projects that may be taking place.
- Look for and read any notes and letters going home and stay updated on what’s going on in our regular blog posts and checking out their work on OneNote. These will have important information and helpful reminders.
- Lastly encourage leadership behaviours and qualities, reminding them they are the role models in the school.
Class Blog
This blog will be the main communication for any parent information over the coming year. Please enter your email into the 'follow by email' section on the left hand side of the blog so you will get email updates when I post to the blog.
IMPORTANT: Leaver's T-Shirts

In saying this, it is time to start collecting the money to pay for the remainder of the invoice. As communicated last year, the school subsidised part of the cost and the remainder is $20 per t-shirt. Therefore if you ordered 2 shirts, then you need to pay $40. I ask if you can please send in the payment in a sealed envelope with your child's name on it by the end of week 1.
Term one is our Summer uniform:
Girls - Summer dress with brown sandals or black leather school shoes (not canvas runners) with white socks.
Boys - White shirt, grey shorts with brown sandals or black leather school shoes (not canvas runners) with grey socks.
Please see school website for more information.
Specialist Days
Monday: Music
Tuesday: Physical Education (wear teal OLC polo)
Wednesday: Indonesian
Thursday: HASS
Friday: Class sport (wear coloured faction shirt/leaver's shirt)
Friday: Class sport (wear coloured faction shirt/leaver's shirt)
New Bell Times
Doors open: 8:30am
School begins: 8:40am
Recess: 10:40 - 11:00am
Lunch: 1:00 - 1:40pm
End of School Day: 3:00pm for everyone, including pick up lane & bus.
Late and Leave Early Passes
Gathering time begins at 8:30am until 8:40am. Please ensure that your child is at school by 8.40am. If you arrive at school after 8.40am parents are required to attend the office first with your child to sign and pick up a Late Pass and then give this to the class teacher. If you wish to collect your child early from school, you are required to come to go to the office first, collect a Parent Pass and then hand this to the classroom teacher as you collect your child.

OLC is following a new format for homework this year, from Years 1-6. This will be based on the Ian Lilico homework grid. This will not be sent home until week 2 and will be discussed further at the Parent Information Evening. However in saying this, the students will still have a small amount of homework in week 1. Please see your child's diary on Monday evening for the tasks.
Gathering time begins at 8:30am until 8:40am. Please ensure that your child is at school by 8.40am. If you arrive at school after 8.40am parents are required to attend the office first with your child to sign and pick up a Late Pass and then give this to the class teacher. If you wish to collect your child early from school, you are required to come to go to the office first, collect a Parent Pass and then hand this to the classroom teacher as you collect your child.

OLC is following a new format for homework this year, from Years 1-6. This will be based on the Ian Lilico homework grid. This will not be sent home until week 2 and will be discussed further at the Parent Information Evening. However in saying this, the students will still have a small amount of homework in week 1. Please see your child's diary on Monday evening for the tasks.
Please ensure that all personal items (hats, drink bottles, lunch boxes, uniforms crunch & sip containers, etc) belonging to your child are labelled to avoid losing items! If I kept all the rogue crunch 'n' sip containers that are left around throughout the year I could set up my own Tupperware business :) Crunch & Sip
Each morning the students will get a break to have a Crunch & Sip break. The idea of Crunch & Sip is that the students have a short break to increase their energy levels, increase awareness about eating fruit and vegetables, as well as encouraging them to drink water and keep hydrated throughout the school day.
Canteen will run on Tuesdays & Thursdays & there will be a limited lunch time only menu on Fridays. The menu is now available - Term 1 Canteen Menu
Teacher Contact
If you have any question or queries please don't hesitate to email us at:
sandy.ricciardone@cewa.edu.au and/or alison.martin@cewa.edu.au
1. Parent Information Evening - Tuesday 11th February
(Session 1: 5-5.30pm & Session 2: 6 - 6.30pm)
2. Swimming Trials Yr4-6 - Tuesday 18th February @ Geographe Leisure Centre
3. Board AGM - Wednesday 19th February @ 7pm
(Session 1: 5-5.30pm & Session 2: 6 - 6.30pm)
2. Swimming Trials Yr4-6 - Tuesday 18th February @ Geographe Leisure Centre
3. Board AGM - Wednesday 19th February @ 7pm
We are soooooo looking forward to seeing everyone again on Monday and showing them our new learning space!