
Showing posts from August, 2016

Upcoming Eucharist dates

Just a quick reminder about the upcoming Eucharist dates.  All school dates are available on the school calendar Year 4 Eucharist dates are as follows; Wednesday 7th September 7pm - Eucharist Parent information night Saturday 10th September 6pm - Eucharist enrollment ceremony and Family mass Sunday 30th October 9am - Sacrament of Eucharist

Week 7 Homework

This week I have decided not to use the mental maths book, but have included some worksheets on the eight times tables.  In class we have worked on a number of strategies to help us with our eight times tables, including skip counting, ten times take two groups and double, double, double.  Please work with your child to help them practice and recall the eight times tables.  Also please mark your child's work so they receive instant feedback on how they are going. I have set spelling and reading, which are detailed in the homework grid.  Please support your child to ensure they have time to complete this work. Next Wednesday (7th September) we have our Eucharist information night.  Please keep this important date in your calendar, but I will send out further information as we get closer. Thanks Sean McSevich

Annual shoebox appeal note

Please see attached a copy of the note coming home today regarding the annual shoebox appeal. 29 th August 2016 Dear Parents, It is the time of year when we ask for the  support of the OLC community to help children in need by providing items that can be packaged in shoeboxes and sent to those in need. The shoeboxes our school helps to send may be the only gift that the child receives all year and they are very gratefully received! This year we will have a combined effort between the Year 4, 5 and 6 classrooms to donate items that can be used to package the boxes. In Year 4 all students will provide 2 items for the shoebox and $2.50 to pay for the postage of the boxes. Students will need to bring in something to love and a something for school. Some examples are listed below. Something to Love teddy bear, doll, soft toy etc. Something for school exercise book, pencils, sharpener, erasers, chalk. Your child will be given the age of the st...
omparing South America to Africa – Helpful Websites   Africa Research Landforms in Africa Vegetation in Africa Native African Animals South America Landforms of South America Vegetation of South America Native Animals of South America Australia Native animals of Australia Landforms of Australia Vegetation of Australia Continent Population

Week 6

Good afternoon Unfortunately the blog that I posted Monday and emailed about did not work, which is fine because most of the information I had put up as far as homework goes was on Edmodo.  This included watching my reading of 'The Lost Thing' and going through a number of slides on Character Descritpion. The next task to be completed tonight ready for Thursday is to watch the video and start preparing ourselves for writing a character description on a character we invent.  So please watch the video below, have your child access the slides in edmodo and work with them to start thinking about their character.

The Assumption of Mary Feast day - Friday

Please see attached message sent out earlier today regarding Friday's feast day. Dear Parents, On Friday we will be celebrating the  The Assumption of Mary , the  OLC Feast Day   and the  Mission Markets.  The day will begin with a prayer service  at 9.00am  in the hall. We would love for you to join us if you are able. Following recess, each class will run a stall where the students can make purchases or participate in games for prizes.  All the money from these stalls will be donated to the Missions. We ask that senior children bring no more that $10 IN  COINS ONLY  to spend, and junior children to bring no more than $5, also in coins only. Following lunch, students across the school will continue the celebrations by participating in games and activities in mixed aged groups on a rotational basis. It promises to be a fun and joyful celebration and we thank you for your contributions and preparations for the day.  If yo...

Nine times tables strategy

This video shows a nine times tables strategy that we were shown in class today by one of the students.  It was made into a video so that we can watch it to remind us of the strategy!