Week 9 Term 2
Good morning parents,

I can not believe that we have already reached the half way point of the year! The students have completed so many wonderful projects and events this term that they deserve some time to relax and chill.
Grandparents Day was a huge success, we had so many loving grandparents come in to celebrate this wonderful OLC tradition. The day started with a beautiful prayer service dedicated to our grandparents. The slide show that Mrs. Meyer put together was absolutely stunning and I know that the students felt very proud to share these special people with everyone. The grandparents then enjoyed a delicious morning tea and came into the classroom to view some of the student's work before being delighted with the final presentation of the Go Fish musical. Please send a very heartfelt thank you to the grandparents who were able to make it! It was lovely to see the smiles and love shared amongst the students and their grandparents.
Congratulations to Kade, Jye and Gabriel on receiving a Merit Award at last week's assembly. You are all very deserving winners in your own way!
Reports will be sent home with the children on Friday afternoon, please keep an eye out for this in your child's bag.
1.No Spelling Homework this week! We will be reviewing 'Contractions and Homophones' during the lessons in class.
2. Mental Maths - Think Mentals, Unit 19, Day 1-4
3. Reading & Reading Log You are to complete the reading log using a book of free choice. NO READERS HAVE BEEN SENT HOME THIS WEEK, AS WE NEED TO DO A STOCK TAKE TO ENSURE THEY HAVE ALL BEEN RETURNED. Can you please return any reader's you still have at home.
ALL students have been sent home with a short reading to practise for a NAIDOC presentation to the school on Friday. Can you please ensure they are practising this as part of their reading homework.
PUPIL FREE DAY - Monday 16th JulyJust a reminder that students return to school on Tuesday 17th July.
Assembly Item - Week 1 Term 3On Friday 20th July (week 1), we have our assembly item. The students will be participating in a reflective service where the Euthando Dolls will be presented to Lynn Tognolini. The students will not require any costumes for this assembly.
PENCIL CASE RESTOCKPlease ensure your child has all of their essential stationary items ready for next term. There are many students who do not have pencils, pens, glue, rulers and an eraser. Each lesson is consistently interrupted and extended with many students walking around or talking at their table to borrow stationary.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your support this term. Especially with the Go Fish Musical, First Eucharist, Euthando Dolls and Parent Help roster. It really does give us the motivation to do the very best for your children, ensuring they get the best out of their learning opportunities.
If we don't get to see you before the end of the week, we wish you a safe and happy holiday! We hope you get the time to share in some special moments with your little ones.
All the best,
Mrs Ricciardone & Mr Torrese

I can not believe that we have already reached the half way point of the year! The students have completed so many wonderful projects and events this term that they deserve some time to relax and chill.
Grandparents Day was a huge success, we had so many loving grandparents come in to celebrate this wonderful OLC tradition. The day started with a beautiful prayer service dedicated to our grandparents. The slide show that Mrs. Meyer put together was absolutely stunning and I know that the students felt very proud to share these special people with everyone. The grandparents then enjoyed a delicious morning tea and came into the classroom to view some of the student's work before being delighted with the final presentation of the Go Fish musical. Please send a very heartfelt thank you to the grandparents who were able to make it! It was lovely to see the smiles and love shared amongst the students and their grandparents.
Congratulations to Kade, Jye and Gabriel on receiving a Merit Award at last week's assembly. You are all very deserving winners in your own way!
Reports will be sent home with the children on Friday afternoon, please keep an eye out for this in your child's bag.
1.No Spelling Homework this week! We will be reviewing 'Contractions and Homophones' during the lessons in class.
2. Mental Maths - Think Mentals, Unit 19, Day 1-4
3. Reading & Reading Log You are to complete the reading log using a book of free choice. NO READERS HAVE BEEN SENT HOME THIS WEEK, AS WE NEED TO DO A STOCK TAKE TO ENSURE THEY HAVE ALL BEEN RETURNED. Can you please return any reader's you still have at home.
ALL students have been sent home with a short reading to practise for a NAIDOC presentation to the school on Friday. Can you please ensure they are practising this as part of their reading homework.
PUPIL FREE DAY - Monday 16th JulyJust a reminder that students return to school on Tuesday 17th July.
Assembly Item - Week 1 Term 3On Friday 20th July (week 1), we have our assembly item. The students will be participating in a reflective service where the Euthando Dolls will be presented to Lynn Tognolini. The students will not require any costumes for this assembly.
PENCIL CASE RESTOCKPlease ensure your child has all of their essential stationary items ready for next term. There are many students who do not have pencils, pens, glue, rulers and an eraser. Each lesson is consistently interrupted and extended with many students walking around or talking at their table to borrow stationary.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your support this term. Especially with the Go Fish Musical, First Eucharist, Euthando Dolls and Parent Help roster. It really does give us the motivation to do the very best for your children, ensuring they get the best out of their learning opportunities.
If we don't get to see you before the end of the week, we wish you a safe and happy holiday! We hope you get the time to share in some special moments with your little ones.
All the best,
Mrs Ricciardone & Mr Torrese