Week 6 - Getting Our Swim On!
Good morning,

I am so pleased to say that our first day of swimming was a huge success yesterday! We managed to work hard in the morning, get changed, eat and swim like champions, all before coming back and learning a little more.
The students were very responsible with their belongings and there were no reports of anything being lost (hopefully this was still the case when they got home later in the day). Can I just ask that all students bring thongs or slip on sandals today to change into before the lesson, as these are far more convenient to put on when the children get out of the water with their sandy feet to walk up to the bus!
In the class, we have started to celebrate students who are 'On-a-roll', meaning they are working hard to show personal growth/progress in different Learning Areas. There is a display in the classroom where the selected student's work is displayed and celebrated. These samples will be changed regularly throughout the term. Our first 'On-a-roll' winners are Jake, Cameron and Imogen. Three very different pieces of work but all of them showed brilliance int heir own way! Please see the image below or feel free to come in and take a look!
As it is the season of Lent, a time when we show extra mercy to others, we have begun to raise money for Project Compassion. The money raised goes to the under privileged children in third world countries who do not have the luxuries of clean water, fresh food and the opportunity to go to school and learn with suitable resources. I ask that you remind your children if they have any spare change that they may want to donate it to this very worthy cause. It doesn't have to be much, it is more trying to make the students aware of how lucky they are to have what they have!
I have purchased some new novels from book club and brought in my sons Where's Wally, Star Wars and Ninjago books to jazz up the class library, however it is still a little bare. If you have any books that are no longer being read and are collecting dust, we would greatly appreciate any donations.
Swimming Lessons - Week 6&7
Our lessons take place at Dunsborough Foreshore (Jetty) at 1.05-1.45pm. We will be leaving school at 12.45pm.
Our learning program will run as normal up until lunchtime. As you can imagine, after two weeks of this the children will be very tired, I ask that your children get as much rest and sleep during this period to ensure they still have the energy to learn each day.
We ask that your child wears their bathers to school underneath their sports uniform to make life easier for them. They are to wear their sneakers to school and bring their thongs to change into at swimming time. No child is to wear their things to school during these days. They will need:
- Swimming bag - not their school bag
- Bathers & Rashie - please note that all children must wear a rashie to keep them sun safe.
- Thongs
- Towel
- Goggles
- Water bottle - perhaps think about packing a spare one as it can be a long hot day for them!
Please ensure all items are labelled to prevent items being lost
Last week in our Friendology lesson we discussed how sometimes we can get negative thoughts (A.N.T's) in our minds and often these thoughts diminish our confidence, clouding the view we have of ourselves. We discussed that to be successful, happy and confident we need to develop our growth mindset and view things from a different light.
To be able to squash these A.N.T's, when things become tough or too difficult we talked about developing personal 'Power Statements' (like Nike's - Just Do It) that the students could say to themselves as way of resetting their mindset and promoting more positive thinking. The students came up with a multitude of great sayings to enhance their confidence in their learning.
I have placed those that are finished on display. I encourage you to come and take a look and be inspired yourself to change that mindset and squash those A.N.T's!
Sorry they are difficult to read, the bright background wasn't being my friend!
To be able to squash these A.N.T's, when things become tough or too difficult we talked about developing personal 'Power Statements' (like Nike's - Just Do It) that the students could say to themselves as way of resetting their mindset and promoting more positive thinking. The students came up with a multitude of great sayings to enhance their confidence in their learning.
I have placed those that are finished on display. I encourage you to come and take a look and be inspired yourself to change that mindset and squash those A.N.T's!
Sorry they are difficult to read, the bright background wasn't being my friend!
Please see below for the homework assigned for this week. There is a slight change in the Spelling due to the short week last week.
1. Reading - Students are to read for 10 minutes each night and enter it into their Reading Log. They are to bring it to you to be signed each night.
2. Timetables practise - this is the last week we are focusing on our 6 timestables. They will be tested at the end of the week! The students are to practise at least 5 times throughout the week at home. We are hoping that you are able to quiz them as often as possible to ensure their recall of their timestable facts is accurate and efficient. Please sign their Homework log when you have done this.
3. Mental Maths- Complete Unit 5, p.10&11. This will be marked on Friday morning.
4. Spelling - the students are to complete LSCWC with their new spelling words each night. They are to also complete dictionary meanings for their words which are due on Friday morning (Some students may have already completed this last week and do not have to do it again!)
Please note the students have the same spelling list this week due to the short week last week.
Have a wonderful week everyone. Fingers crossed we get through a full week of swimming without too many tired and grumpy students! Apologies if you bare the brunt of this at home 😊
Mrs Ricciardone & Mrs Martin