Week 8 Term 1
Good afternoon parents,

Congratulations go to Priya Hodges who received the Merit Award last week, we are so impressed with the initiative and enthusiasm she is showing in our class at the moment.
Parent Help Needed – If you are able to help, we would love to have you on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at 9am for 30 minutes...no experience necessary!
Year 3 Reconciliation - Will be held this Wednesday 27th March at Our Lady of the Southern Cross beginning at 5.30pm

After this there will be a shared recess between the Year Four classes. So we are asking for all students in Year 4 to bring a plate for a shared morning tea on this day.
We would like to girls to bring a plate of savoury food and boys to bring a plate of sweet food to share. If you are able to make this reflective of your families culture that would be great! You are welcome to come and join us!
Parent Teacher Interviews - Please make sure that you have put your name down for an interview times. My meetings begin tomorrow and continue to take place on Wednesday 27th, Thursday 28th and Monday 1st April.
I have included a image of the timetable so far, so if you haven't managed to book a time yet, you can email me a time that is available and I'll write it in. Unfortunately I will not be able to follow up with those that have not put a time down, therefore it is imperative you take this opportunity to book one in.
We will begin the writing process for the students this week where we will ask the students to plan, draft and edit a story. We have worked hard at developing a good understanding of the elements needed to write a good story...the students are very excited!
In our Friendology session we have looked at what makes a healthy and an unhealthy friendship. The students were asked to write down what defines each type of friendship and then choose their must haves!
This was a great activity to help them to work out how their friendships are sitting and what they can do if there friendship may have moved into the unhealthy zone. It provides them with some words to use if they are having trouble with a particular friend which is what I love about this program!
In our Friendology session we have looked at what makes a healthy and an unhealthy friendship. The students were asked to write down what defines each type of friendship and then choose their must haves!
This was a great activity to help them to work out how their friendships are sitting and what they can do if there friendship may have moved into the unhealthy zone. It provides them with some words to use if they are having trouble with a particular friend which is what I love about this program!
Please see below for the homework assigned for this week. If you can please support your child to complete all parts of their homework each week. This helps with their personal organisation reduces anxiety of getting in trouble when it is not done.
1. Reading - Students are to read for 10 minutes each night and enter it into their Reading Log. They are to bring it to you to be signed each night.
2. Timetables practise 7's - The students are to practise at least 5 times throughout the week at home. Please sign their Homework log when you have done this.
3. Mental Maths- Complete Unit 7, p 14 & 15. This will be marked on Friday morning so they do not need to return their homework books until Friday.
4. Spelling - the students are to complete LSCWC with their spelling words each night and their dictionary definitions are due in on Friday.
I look forward to chatting with you all over the next two weeks.
Enjoy this beautiful weather!
Mrs Ricciardone