Week 6 Term 3

Hello everyone, Welcome to Week 6...we made it through hump week and we are mostly intact! I would like to say a massive thank you to you all for your hard work in helping to make the kids look so amazing on dress up day last Friday to celebrate Book Week. You can see the wonderful efforts of our little cherubs and crazy teachers below. In case you missed this motley crew...we have Old MacDonald and his favourite jersey cow, Batman on day release from the nursing home, Wally & Wendy...we found them! SuperWoman, Obi Wan Kanobe and a grouchy ladybug...clearly comfort was the order of the day. REMINDERS - WEEK 6 Buddy Mass - On Wednesday morning the Year 3 & 4 students will be walking down to the church (weather permitting) to share mass with Fr Francis and the parishioners beginning at 9.30am. If you would like to join us for mass you are most welcome. Fathers Day Breakfast Friday 30th August - The time has come to celebrate our dads...