Welcome to Week 3!
Good afternoon parents,
Welcome to another fun-filled week in 4R. I hope that those of you that were able to make it to the Quiz Night had a heap of fun! I know we were devastated to miss out, a 40th in Perth just didn't compare from what I've heard. A fantastic result in the amount of money raised and a fantastic night for the OLC community...thank you as always for your support of our great school!
I had the pleasure of meeting Fr Francis on Sunday morning at mass...he seems very excited to be with us in Dunsborough and is looking forward to getting up to the school to get to know the kids as soon as possible.
Mission Market Donations - If you can please send in your donations as soon as possible it would be greatly appreciated. We will be bagging up the lucky dip bags on Monday 12th August so we need all donations in by then. Thank you for your contributions, they are really appreciated!
Book Week Dress Up - The time of year is fast approaching when we need to pull together an outfit for our child that would win a Costuming Award at the Oscars. This year's theme is Reading is Our Super Power...
Uthando Dolls...FROM MRS MARTIN - Thank you to those of you who have so kindly and generously offered your time and energy to help the year 4’s undertake the UTHANDO DOLL Project this term. All the planning and preparation has been done and as a result we are proud to say that we can start the project next week.
The initial start-up will begin with a visit to OLC from Mrs Deborah Campbell from the UTHANDO DOLL MAKERS GROUP in Bunbury. She will come to speak to all the children in year 4, along with all volunteer parents and grandparents THIS WEDNESDAY 7th AUGUST at 1.30pm. She will outline the process and we will get started.
The children will work in pairs to create their doll and each be responsible for creating an outfit for the doll. The children in Africa love to change their doll’s outfits so each beautiful doll will be presented to them wearing one outfit and have another outfit in a little bag hanging over its shoulder. Each year 4 child will have a photograph of their doll wearing their personally made outfit as a memento of this amazing project, before we send them to the children of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
You can access more information via the website http://uthandoproject.org/
We are in need of some materials for the projects, if you are able to have a look through your cupboards for any of the following and send them in with your child, we would really appreciate it! We need:
We will also require a donation of $1 per child to cover the postage costs of sending the dolls to Africa. Can you please send this in a labelled envelope ASAP?
We look forward to working together on Wednesday.
4. Spelling - the students are to complete LSCWC and their 'Words Within in Sentences' into their Homework books by Friday.
5. Data Presentations - Due Thursday 8th August for Mrs Meyer in Digital Technology!
Welcome to another fun-filled week in 4R. I hope that those of you that were able to make it to the Quiz Night had a heap of fun! I know we were devastated to miss out, a 40th in Perth just didn't compare from what I've heard. A fantastic result in the amount of money raised and a fantastic night for the OLC community...thank you as always for your support of our great school!
I had the pleasure of meeting Fr Francis on Sunday morning at mass...he seems very excited to be with us in Dunsborough and is looking forward to getting up to the school to get to know the kids as soon as possible.
Book Week Dress Up - The time of year is fast approaching when we need to pull together an outfit for our child that would win a Costuming Award at the Oscars. This year's theme is Reading is Our Super Power...
Uthando Dolls...FROM MRS MARTIN - Thank you to those of you who have so kindly and generously offered your time and energy to help the year 4’s undertake the UTHANDO DOLL Project this term. All the planning and preparation has been done and as a result we are proud to say that we can start the project next week.
The initial start-up will begin with a visit to OLC from Mrs Deborah Campbell from the UTHANDO DOLL MAKERS GROUP in Bunbury. She will come to speak to all the children in year 4, along with all volunteer parents and grandparents THIS WEDNESDAY 7th AUGUST at 1.30pm. She will outline the process and we will get started.
The children will work in pairs to create their doll and each be responsible for creating an outfit for the doll. The children in Africa love to change their doll’s outfits so each beautiful doll will be presented to them wearing one outfit and have another outfit in a little bag hanging over its shoulder. Each year 4 child will have a photograph of their doll wearing their personally made outfit as a memento of this amazing project, before we send them to the children of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
You can access more information via the website http://uthandoproject.org/
We are in need of some materials for the projects, if you are able to have a look through your cupboards for any of the following and send them in with your child, we would really appreciate it! We need:
- red, white and black sewing
- beads and buttons (any colours,
any sizes)
- red, white and black felt
- coloured and black nobbly yarn
- a few pairs of “pinking shears”
(zig zag scissors)
- any old colourful
We will also require a donation of $1 per child to cover the postage costs of sending the dolls to Africa. Can you please send this in a labelled envelope ASAP?
We look forward to working together on Wednesday.
In Friendology, we have been talking about our Inner Critic DJ. This is the voice that tells us things like "you can't do that", "you'll never win" or "I'm not good at maths/english". We had some great talks about how we need to turn that voice turn and crank the voice of our positive DJ. The students will be creating their own playlist featuring tracks that are aimed at making them feel empowered and positive. We are looking to have these finished in the coming weeks so come in and check them out!
Please see below for the homework assigned for this week. If you can please support your child to complete all parts of their homework each week. This helps with their personal organisation and reduces their anxiety of getting in trouble when it is not done.
If your child does not complete or hand in their homework you will receive an email from me on Friday morning. They will then spend their recess time eating and completing any unfinished tasks.
I would appreciate you following up with them over the weekend with a chat so the kids know we are on the same page.
1. Reading - Students are to read for 10 minutes each night.
If your child does not complete or hand in their homework you will receive an email from me on Friday morning. They will then spend their recess time eating and completing any unfinished tasks.
I would appreciate you following up with them over the weekend with a chat so the kids know we are on the same page.
1. Reading - Students are to read for 10 minutes each night.
2. Timetables - Reviews - Students are to practice at least 4 times throughout the week at home. I have asked them to choose their most challenging set to work on.
3. Mental Maths- Complete Unit 20, p 42 & 43. All sections are to be completed by Friday.
4. Spelling - the students are to complete LSCWC and their 'Words Within in Sentences' into their Homework books by Friday.
5. Data Presentations - Due Thursday 8th August for Mrs Meyer in Digital Technology!