Week 6 Term 3

Hello everyone,

Welcome to Week 6...we made it through hump week and we are mostly intact! 

I would like to say a massive thank you to you all for your hard work in helping to make the kids look so amazing on dress up day last Friday to celebrate Book Week. You can see the wonderful efforts of our little cherubs and crazy teachers below.

In case you missed this motley crew...we have Old MacDonald and his favourite jersey cow, Batman on day release from the nursing home, Wally & Wendy...we found them! SuperWoman, Obi Wan Kanobe and a grouchy ladybug...clearly comfort was the order of the day. 


Buddy Mass - On Wednesday morning the Year 3 & 4 students will be walking down to the church (weather permitting) to share mass with Fr Francis and the parishioners beginning at 9.30am. If you would like to join us for mass you are most welcome.

Fathers Day Breakfast Friday 30th August- The time has come to celebrate our dads with a delicious breakfast...if you can please make sure that you have sent your RSVP to your class rep for Friday's breakfast...it begins at 7am!

Meelup Free Dress - On Friday 30th August all students in Meelup can come in free dress for the day as they have won the token count for the first 5 weeks of term. We will be doing sport in the afternoon so please encourage suitably active clothes.

Absentee Notes - I will send home any outstanding absentee notes with your child today. If you can please make sure that you fill them in with the reason for the absence and sign it  I would be very appreciative. I need these returned by Wednesday at the latest please.

It is helpful if you can email through an absentee note to the office the day that your child is away as this helps keeps records up to date.


It has continued to be a busy term in all learning areas so far!

In our writing groups we are moving into students planning and drafting their own persuasive texts and in reading we are looking at the monitoring strategy to help with our comprehension. This is where students are checking in and making sure it is making sense as they read. Whilst they are reading we ask the students to think about the ways in which they might monitor their understanding of the text by asking:
•Is this text making sense to me as I read?
•Do I know what all of the words mean?
•How am I feeling as I am reading the text?
•Which parts of the text are the most appealing to me?
•What strategies could I use to improve my understanding?

In Maths we have been looking at fractions as decimals to tenths and hundredths and we will be moving to looking at relationships between fractions, decimals and percentages. It would be really helpful if any chance you get you can point out to your child the connections...for example, half an orange can be written as half, 0.5 or 50%. Perhaps relate it to the footy score in terms of the quarters being played and the all important finals deciding percentages!

In the coming weeks as part of our Keeping Safe Curriculum  we will be looking at identifying parts of the body. This is a very important part of the curriculum as it helps them to know the correct anatomical names for these body parts. We will be conducting these lessons gently and in an age appropriate way so that the children are able to understand the content but still feel comfortable within this learning. We wanted you to be aware in case this comes up around the dinner table...which we are hoping that it will as it helps to normalise the vocabulary and reduce embarrassment.

In our Science lessons the students were given an outline of their research assignments. A copy of this can also be found in the Diary and Science section of their One Note. They will begin researching and planning out their assignment in class this week but they will be expected to work on the presentation part of this at home

We would love you to support your child as they work on this whilst making sure it is their own work in terms of the content that is used from websites etc.

Mrs Martin wanted me to pass on that the kids are doing so well in constructing their Euthando doll,  navigating the challenges they face each week with determination and resilience. The parent support has been great and a project like this can't be done with you!

For those that haven't done so as yet, can you please send in a $1 to cover the postage of the dolls. 


Any children that have not completed their homework by Friday will catch up on any outstanding parts whilst they have their recess on Friday. I will send you an email on Friday to let you know if your child has not completed their homework. A follow up conversation over the weekend is greatly appreciated

1. Reading - Students are to read for 10 minutes each night. Please encourage them to read out loud to you at least twice a week.
2. Timetables - Free Choice -  Students are to practice at least 4 times throughout the week at home. Choose the challenging ones and please test them in and out of order verbally.

3. Mental Maths- Complete Unit 23, p 46 & 47. All sections are to be completed by Friday. These are marked in class on Friday morning.

4. Spelling - the students are to complete LSCWC and their 'Words Within in Sentences' into their Homework 
books by Friday. 

5. Champion Life Challenges - If you can encourage your child to complete at least one video challenge a week. All videos that are uploaded are only seen by the Champion Life staff and teacher to which the class has been assigned...in this instance me. 

If you are concerned about any privacy issues, perhaps your child could complete the challenge with their back to the camera so their face is not seen. This is a fantastic initiative which whilst increasing levels of physical activity also aims to inspire students through valuable life learning.

6. Science Research Project - Due Tuesday 17th September - Week 9

Have a great week! 

Mrs Ricciardone & Mrs Martin

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