
Showing posts from May, 2016

Week 6

Welcome to week 6!! This week we will be writing our assessment pieces for persuasive writing, to show what we have learned over the past few weeks.  We had a great activity today on inferring.  As Private investigators, we challenged ourselves to find clues in pictures and text to determine what is happening.   In Maths, we will finishing off fractions for this term. Homework this week includes; reading each night (10 minutes at least) Spelling Times tables app (5 minutes per night) Unit 14 of our mental maths book (Please remember to mark your childs work). To help with mental maths, I have made another video that we watched earlier today.  The video is a good refresher for your child should they get stuck at home.  The video is uploaded on to their edmodo page and I have attached it below.  The video's are also very good to watch before helping with any questions that your child may be stuck on.  I encourage you to watch these with your chil...

Week 5 homework

Appologies for not getting this up sooner. Homework for this week is; Mental maths (unit 13) Spelling For reading, your child should be reading about 10 minutes per night. I have set a reading eggspress  week again for homework. 5 minutes per night on times tables app Next week I will be introducing a new reading log system to accompany the reading eggspress weekly assignment.

Week 4 homework

This week, we are extending our mental strategy of double, double for multiplication by 4.  We have used this in strategy in class, but I have also uploaded a video on edmodo for reference. Homework includes mental maths unit 12, reading and spelling.  Can I please ask that you mark your child's mental maths homework. For reading, I have set a reading eggs assignment I would like to be finished.  Reading from reading eggs at least 2 nights a week should be sufficient to complete this, so on the other nights, please ensure that your child is reading for ten minutes from a book of their choice. Thanks for your ongoing support, Mr McSevich

Week 4 social skills

This fortnight in Yellow Room, we are practicing saying and doing kind things.  To help recognise and practice this skill, we are building a wall of kindness, where we write on a 'brick' something kind someone has said or done for us.  The aim of this activity is to build on the role play and brainstorming activities already completed on this social skill.  As you can see, we have started already!! To help your child with these, please talk about the kind things that they might be doing for you, like helping with the dishes without being asked!! We are aiming to finish our wall in the next few weeks, so we will have time everyday to write about some of the kind things we are doing and saying.

Active listening and 'Saying kind things'

Last week we continued to work on our skill of Active Listening, and we have made great gains as a group.  However, this is a skill that needs ongoing practice and work, so we will continue working on this in our daily actions. On Friday we also started another social skill. 'Saying kind things', to help us in our interactions.  For this skill, we discussed what it meant, some examples of kind things, then practiced this skill through role play.  All students did a great job and we were able to use this role play to help us with our Y-Chart, which I have included below.  What I really liked was that we were able to tie in our school values to this skill very clearly!  The picture below shows our Y-chart that we made.

Week 3 Homework

Homework for this week includes reading, mental maths unit 11 and spelling.  For reading, I have set an assignment in reading eggs, so please read this.  we are also practicing our 5 times table ready for a test on Friday, so please practice these each night. thanks Mr McSevich

Term 2, Week 2.

Welcome back to all yellow room students and families. Term 2 promises to be another exciting, fun and productive term in yellow room. This term our attention turns to persuasive writing and poetry in English and we are working on multiplication at the moment in maths, including our times tables. Science will focus on chemical science, which will flow through the D&T unit that we are working on. This term in health we will be spending some time working on and discussing a number of social skills that will assist us both in and out of the class.  Last Friday we began working on Active Listening and the students created a class Y-chart.  This will be the weekly focus and will be referred to regularly to assist students to identify how to show and to practice the skill.  The aim of this is to guide students through regular practice towards embedding these skills in everyday interactions.  The Y-chart the students made has been published, is shown below and ...