Term 2, Week 2.

Welcome back to all yellow room students and families. Term 2 promises to be another exciting, fun and productive term in yellow room.

This term our attention turns to persuasive writing and poetry in English and we are working on multiplication at the moment in maths, including our times tables. Science will focus on chemical science, which will flow through the D&T unit that we are working on.

This term in health we will be spending some time working on and discussing a number of social skills that will assist us both in and out of the class.  Last Friday we began working on Active Listening and the students created a class Y-chart.  This will be the weekly focus and will be referred to regularly to assist students to identify how to show and to practice the skill.  The aim of this is to guide students through regular practice towards embedding these skills in everyday interactions.  The Y-chart the students made has been published, is shown below and has been displayed in the class.

Homework for this week is unit 10 of our mental maths book, reading log and spelling.  I have put a video of our mental maths strategy on the blog for reference.  We are also working on recall of the 5 times tables, so please practice these each night and spend a few minutes on the times tables app.

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