Good afternoon parents, I can not begin to explain how proud I was of all the students yesterday at the First Eucharist mass. They acted with great reverence and respect, participating so well in every part of the mass. A tear did well in my eye when I saw the students reciting the prayers and completing the actions at the appropriate times. We thank you for the support and guidance you have given throughout the preparation of the sacrament. All of the students have taken home today their poster, banner, prayer card and cross as little mementos for you to keep and reflect on in time to come. Congratulations to Lucas, Taylah and Gabriel on receiving a Merit award at Friday's assembly, they are working hard to achieve their best . It has been a very busy few weeks and we have some important events coming up, please see the Reminders section below. REMINDERS - WEEK 8 World Refugee Lunch Day - is being held this Wednesday 20th June, your child will need to br...