
Showing posts from 2017

OLC Beach Day

Just a couple of reminders for the OLC Beach Day... Students are to come in free dress with clothing appropriate for the beach.  Please make sure your child comes with suncream already applied, packed recess and lunch, towel and a hat. All students must wear a rashie! We will arrive at the beach at 11.45am. We will have lunch when we arrive and then we will hit the activities. You are welcome to join us for any part of the day. We will be departing at approximately 2.30pm to come back to school.  Reports will be handed to the students back at school at the end of the day. Have a great day!

Week 8 and planned excursion

Welcome to week 8. This week we are going back over money and how we can determine change from purchasing problems.  We are also reading the picture book 'Fox' and finalising our totems. Homework this week includes spelling words that were sent home today, mathletics tasks around money and a readingeggs task. Students also need to ensure they have all necessary components to finish their totems tomorrow.  If your child hasn't brought in their materials, please ensure they are here tomorrow. Attached below is a letter about our planned excursion to the ArtGeo cultural precint in busselton.  A hard copy will be coming home with your child tomorrow but please read and return the permission slip by Friday.

Week 7

Today we have discussed our final D&T task.  Students learned about totem's, the role of names given the indigenous people and how they assist with land management.  From this students need to come to school tomorrow having chosen their Australian Animal totem and thinking about how they will make theirs from recycled and natural materials.  We will be making them Friday, so please start thinking and collecting items to use. I have not set spelling homework at this point as we completed our final assessment today.  Students will bring spelling homework tomorrow.  I have however set mathletics and there is always reading that needs to be completed.  With our stop motion movies, I have told students that I will be available Wednesday and Thursday lunch times to assist where needed, but these are due Friday.

Week 6

Congratulations to all those who completed their Eucharist over the past fortnight.  You have worked hard to be prepared and displayed very mature attitudes during the sacrament.  Also thanks to the Prayer Buddies that supported the students making their sacraments very respectfully.  We had some very in depth discussion around living like Jesus and caring for people, with refugees especially interesting students.  We may have some budding human rights lawyers in our midst! For homework this week I have set mathletics tasks around number patterns as these are what we will be working on this week.  Please ensure all tasks are completed by Friday.  Students will have spelling, with words on Edmodo and of course reading every night.  We have been working on Poetry and all students wrote some awesome Haiku. This week we will be working on Cinquain and I will put some example up on this blog as we start to publish them.  We are working on our stopm...

Week 4 - Eucharist week

Good Afternoon and welcome to week 4. This Sunday we are making the Sacrament of Eucharist, so our lead up to this special day will be busy.  We will be heading to the Church Thursday and Friday to practice in the Church what will happen Sunday. If your child is receiving the Sacrament and you have not returned the money or poster, please do so ASAP. Mass for all students starts at 9am Sunday, but please ensure you are there by 8:40 to be seated and prepared.  The video below outlines how those receiving Eucharist will be processing to Father Ian and how they will receive the Eucharist.  Parents, you will be involved, which is explained in the video.  If your child is receiving Eucharist, please watch and discuss this video with your child before Tuesday. This week we are working on Poetry, but spend today reading illustrations from Shaun Tan's Book 'The Arrival' continuing on from some interesting discussion we had last wee on refugees.  We are also st...

Term 4 week 3

This week he have started experimenting with stop go animation, where we are using photographs that we stitch together to make inanimate object move.  Today was our first experience and all students were able to make their own videos while reflecting and explaining how they will improve their techniques. Well done to all the students on Saturday night.  They did an awesome job with their reverence and with answering the unscripted questions from Father Ian.  Remember that our posters are due Friday. Homework:   I have assigned tasks in mathletics in place of the times table sheet.  The tasks will reinforce concepts that we are studying in maths lessons.  I have also assigned a book in reading eggs for the students to read.   

Term 4 week 1

Welcome to term 4, hopefully everyone is well rested and ready for another big term. Today we began our unit on poetry and also started planning our 'stop go animation' work.   In Maths we will be reviewing and expanding our division knowledge.  Mr Torrese has included a blog on the speaking challenge this term, so please have a look. Homework:   I have assigned tasks in mathletics in place of the times table sheet.  The tasks will reinforce concepts that we are studying in maths lessons.  I have also assigned a book in reading eggs for the students to read.   

Term 4 Speaking Challenge

Dear Year 4 Parents (and students), Next term the students will begin to use the speaking and listening skills that they have been developing over Term 1. Each week we will have 4 students present their  90 second speech  that they have planned. Any parent support at home would be greatly appreciated, particularly with the speaking techniques and the content. The Term 4 theme will be: " If I could live in another part of the world, it would be...." Read below for more detail. Assessment  - The students will be assessed on the speaking techniques that they have been developing in Term 1. Each will have a score of 5 points, a total of 20 for the presentation. Make appropriate eye contact 5 points Make eye contact with your partner   regularly.  When speaking to a larger group, make eye contact with many members of the audience, in front of you and to the sides, as you speak. Use  clear volume ,  a tone ...

Week 10

Welcome to week 10 This week we are working on our final narrative 'Where is the teacher?'.  We will be using what we have learned in Sensational Story Starters, Effective Endings, Character development, Abandoned Places and about plot to make these as engaging as possible.   We will also be finishing 'Birrung'.   In Maths we will be beginning out unit on Chance. Homework:   Homework this week is the same as last week.  I have assigned tasks in mathletics in place of the times table sheet.  The tasks will reinforce concepts that we are studying in maths lessons.  I have also assigned a book in reading eggs for the students to read.    I am hopefully enjoying myself but I hope that everyone has a very restful holiday.  See you in term 4!

Week 9

Welcome to week 9 as we race towards the end of term. Last week we spent some time working through what we have been ;learning about narratives, showing this in the awesome stories we have written about brussel sprouts !  I can see that may people share my sentiment of these packed vegetables! This week we will begin out stories  that will make into books. Today we read two chapters of 'Birrung', exploring the way that convicts were treated on the boats sailing to Australia and the lack of respect they showed towards the Aboriginal people.  In Maths we will continue to develop our division skills.   Homework:   Homework this week is the same as last week.  I have assigned tasks in mathletics in place of the times table sheet.  The tasks will reinforce concepts that we are studying in maths lessons.  I have also assigned a book in reading eggs for the students to read.    Shoebox: Thank you to all the people that have broug...

Week 8

Welcome to week 8. Today we were lucky enough to watch the dress rehearsal of the School Production, 'The Little Mermaid'.  What an awesome spectacle it was, so if you do not have tickets yet, please grab some from the shows Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights this week. This week we will continue reading 'Birrung' and exploring the language used to help us as we move towards writing our narratives.  In Maths we are going back to multiplication as we explore and develop our division skills.  In Science we are exploring catapults and the forces used in these. Homework this week is the same as last week.  I have assigned tasks in mathletics in place of the times table sheet.  The tasks will reinforce concepts that we are studying in maths lessons.  I have also assigned a book in reading eggs for the students to read.   Finally, today I awarded the prizes for our photography competition that was judged by four independent judges.  Congratula...

Shoebox appeal

Good afternoon Please see attached a note regarding the upcoming shoebox appeal.  We will be combining with the year 5 and 6 classes to prepare shoeboxes for the annual appeal. Thanks for your support Sean McSevich Shoebox appeal letter

Week 7

Welcome to week 7. This week are are getting into our class novel 'Birrung', where we have been examining the language used to paint pictures in the readers head, as well as what we can infer from clues in the text.  Today, we were examining how our thinking has changed from our pre-reading to now.  Through our synthesising activity, it is interesting to see how our initial thoughts about the story involved a boy with his bird as a friend, to today learning that Birrung is an aboriginal girl.  We will be examining the way people were treated during the time of the first fleet as we read on. Homework this week is a little different.  I have assigned tasks in mathletics in place of the times table sheet.  The tasks will reinforce concepts that we are studying in maths lessons.  I have also assigned a book in reading eggs for the students to read.   I have also sent home passwords for study ladder as I have assigned tasks for those students that are lo...

Week 5

Good afternoon This week we are getting right into our class novel 'Birrung, the Secret Friend' and spent this morning asking questions of the text to gain better understanding.  The picture below shows how well the students did with lots of thick and thin questions from only a few pages of reading. In Maths we will continue with number patterns.  Today we were investigating using the times tables to identify numbers in patterns where it is hard to continue by drawing or counting. For homework I have set spelling based on a diagnostic completed and conquer words from your childs writing.  In maths we are working on the 5 times tables, and I have set a reading eggs task. Tomorrow we have our mission markets to raise money for Caritas.  Our day will begin with Mass in the hall and finish with an opportunity to meet new friends as we undertake rotational activities across all years.  Please remember to bring jelly cups in tomorrow morning to sell. Altern...

Week 4

Thanks to everyone who came to see last weeks Photography Exhibition.  The students worked very hard to produce the excellent work that they did and it was great to see this on display for all to look at.  Many people, including teachers and families of other classes have commented on just how good the photographs are! This week we will begin reading our Novel 'Birrung, the Secret Friend' by Jackie French.  All iPads should have been sent an email with a redemption code and instructions on how to download the ibook.  Please ensure that this is downloaded onto the iPad, but if there are any problems or concerns, please see me. Homework this week includes the a homework grid, 12 times tables and spelling.  Later in the week I will send a video home to watch to prepare for our work on setting in Narrative Writing. I have also sent home a note today about the upcoming Mission Markets (Tuesday week 5).  The letter is attached

Week three

Welcome to week three, already! This week we are finishing our unit on The Lost Thing, which looks at themes such as belonging, friendship and helping others and imagination.  We have been looking at the amazing illustrations by Shaun Tan, creating our own lost things and critically analysing the book to develop a deeper understanding of the story. I have changed homework to include up to five 'Conquer Words' each week in addition to our normal spelling.  These are words taken from your child's writing during the week and I have asked that they are included in daily spelling activities.  This week we are working on the 12 times tables and using place value to help us solve these multiplication problems. The video I set as homework last week on Sensational Story Starters worked very well for many students, and they tackled the challenge of using the four strategies to begin stories based on images very well.  I will put up a video later in the week about charact...

Year 4 Photography Exhibition


Sensational Story Starters Day 2

Now that you have watched Sensational Story Starters Day 1, and you know the four strategies that can be used to start sensational stories, it is time to watch and get ready for tomorrow's activity.  The video below outlines the task and how we will complete this. Parents, please support your child by setting side time to watch this short video as discussing it with them.

Term 3 week 2

Good afternoon parents Following from my post last week regarding Wednesday's tree planting, the day is upon us! Tomorrow afternoon, we will be planting even if it is raining.  To minimise cleaning of sport shoes etc, please send rubber boots or gardening gloves to school tomorrow should your child have them.  Further, as it looks as though it may rain tomorrow and the planting will go ahead, please send a raincoat should your child have one.  I will have some poncho's but to minimise cost and the use of plastic, please send a raincoat if they have one. I have posted a video and website link on edmodo to be watched prior to Thursday (video link below).  This will start work on Story Beginnings and is important viewing for the lesson.  To ensure your child is prepared, please assist them to set aside time to watch and complete the activity before Thursday.  Discussing the video and activity with your child will also assist them develop the understanding ...

Friendology Shared Afternoon Tea - Tuesday 1st August.

25 th  July 2017 Dear Year 3 & 4 Parents, Re: Friendology 101 Shared Afternoon Tea (Tuesday 1st August) To celebrate the end of our Friendology 101 sessions we would like to have a shared afternoon tea on Tuesday 1st August  beginning at 1.30pm. If all girls could please bring in a  small  plate of food to share that would be wonderful! Please be mindful that refrigeration space is limited. We will be sharing our Sole Projects with each other and will enjoy the afternoon reflecting on the process and skills that we have learnt over the last term and a half and enjoying each other’s company. In our sessions we have looked at: 1. How to Get Real  – focuses on the importance of being true to who you are, embracing your unique self, and dispelling myths around gender stereotypes. 2.   How to Make Friends  – focuses on the art of friendship-making starting with how to introduce yourself, find something in common, and have a...

Tree Planting Day - Wednesday 26th

Good Afternoon The Year 3 and 4 classes have been lucky enough to be selected to undertake a tree planting afternoon next Wednesday.  This tree planting is being conducted in conjunction with GeoCatch and is part of the "Peppies for Possums" project which is designed to increase habitat suitable for native animals including the ring-tail possums in the area. The area to be planted is behind the Year 3 classroom, next to the Sloan Drive Staff Carpark.  GeoCatch officer Nicole Lincoln will begin the session with a presentation on the project.  Spades/trowels will be provided as will disposable gloves, but if your child has gardening gloves and rubber boots, please bring them (it may be a bit muddy!). Not only does this provide the opportunity to leave a lasting legacy at OLC, learn something new about our native plant and animals, it also fits really well with the Biological Science unit we completed last semester.  If any parents would like to come along and lea...

Term 3 Week 1

Welcome back after what were hopefully a restful and for some warm few weeks. This term we will be working through narratives as text type.  We will be working through money and number patterns in maths and in science we are looking at forces. I have changed the homework grid slightly and have included a reading log on the grid.  As always homework will entail maths (times tables work), reading and spelling.  Each week I am setting an assignment in Reading Eggs which can be used for homework reading and I have asked students to change their spelling activities daily. Not many homework books were handed in on the final Friday of last term, so some students have brought their homework sheets home to glue into their books.  If your child is unable to find their homework book, I have spare scrapbooks here that can be used. If you have any questions regarding homework, please send me an email. Sean McSevich

Week 4

Welcome to week 4, boy is this term flying. This week we are working on written multiplication strategies as we finish on double double as a mental multiplication strategy.  In literacy we are using synthesizing as we explore persuasive texts.  This strategy fits well as as we reflect on texts that we are reading.  The strategy helps us explore how our thinking changed, having used  prior knowledge and summarising while reading the text. In science we will begin a unit on materials and will be exploring toys that move in Design and Technology. For homework this week we are working on the 8 times tables, have spelling and our grid which includes nightly reading. I have also put a video on edmodo to be watched before Thursday to help us with our persuasive paragraph writing.

Mother's Day Assembly

Good afternoon This Friday is our prayer assembly and it is also Mother's day this weekend.  So I have decided to combine the two events and we will have a Mother's Day Themed Prayer Assembly. All students have readings, which we have been practicing for a few days now.  They also took photos of their readings on their Ipads today so they can access them to practice.  Please support your child by practicing their lines with them. It promises to be an exciting day that will get us thinking about our mothers.  It would be wonderful if you were able to join us, so we will hopefully see you Friday. Mr McSevich

Week 3

Welcome to week three. This week we are working on persuasive writing, having written our first persuasive exposition on 'Students being given Free Fruit at School'.  We will fine tune and work on how we can improve our detail, emotive language and structure as we work through this unit. Homework this week includes spelling, work on the Four times tables, reading and mathletics. Can you please support your child by having them bring their diaries to school Tomorrow. We also have our new photography assignment, where we are using camera angles to explore 'Soft'.  As with last week, students need to produce a pic collage of at least 10 photos that show the concept and focus.  Students also need to choose a photo that best shows the concept and the focus where they present this with a caption.  The two photos below were great examples from our first week and from what I have seen, this weeks photos are looking awesome!

Week 2 homework before Thursday

This week we will write our first persuasive piece.  So we are ready to start and have prior knowledge, please watch this video before Thursday.

Week 2 Photography Assignment


Term 2

Welcome to term 2. This term I will be changing homework to be hopefully more engaging. I am going to trial a new homework grid, where I have removed the mental maths book in place of work on the times tables .  Maths homework will involve work on the iPad including mathletics tasks, tasks set on study ladder and recall using times tables apps.  I will also include a significantly reduced math sheet which will be aimed at the times tables we are working on for the week.  I also encourage you to test and work with your child to help them with their times table of the fortnight. Homework will include reading, spelling and the times tables work outlined in the grid.  Mr T has also placed a video up to be watched before Wednesday. This term we will also be undertaking a photography unit using the iPad.  This will focus on composition and elements of photography in Art.  The unit will culminate in a photography competition which will be undertaken as part ...

Week 2 Speaking Example. Students please watch before Wednesday.

Hi everyone, As we are listening to our "Something that is Special to Me" presentations this term, we will continue learning about speaking and listening. This week we are going to watch this great TED talk by a 12 year old. Does he follow our speaking techniques?  Please watch this video below before Wednesday. Mr T

Year 4 Speaking Challenge - Term 2 - "Somethting that is Special to Me"

Dear Year 4 Parents (and students), Next term the students will begin to use the speaking and listening skills that they have been developing over Term 1. Each week we will have 4 students present their 1 minute speech that they have planned. Any parent support at home would be greatly appreciated, particularly with the speaking techniques and the content. The Term 2 theme will be: "Something that is Special to Me" Click below on the images for more detail. Assessment - The students will be assessed on the speaking techniques that they have been developing in Term 1. Each will have a score of 5 points, a total of 20 for the presentation. Make appropriate eye contact 5 points Make eye contact with your partner regularly.  When speaking to a larger group, make eye contact with many members of the audience, in front of you and to the sides, as you speak. Use  clear volume ,  a tone of voice ...