Term 3 Week 2

Good morning all,

What a lovely start to the term! The children were really engaged and excited about the topics we have begun.

Thank you to those who were able to make it to the Prayer Assembly on Friday, it was the perfect way to end the Uthando Project. Thank you to Mr Torrese and all the helpers who volunteered their time and skills, the children have greatly appreciated the opportunity to be apart of this project.

Congratulations to Axton Hughes and Sophie Corrigan on receiving a Merit Certificate at Friday's Assembly.


TOPIC - 'Something that is special to me'
This week we will be introducing the NEW Speaking and Listening Challenge to the students. This project will carry over two terms, where the students will be given a chosen topic to prepare and present a short 2 minute presentation. These presentations will be assessed and feedback will be given to the students on the same day. The students will need to prepare and practise their presentations at home before their given day.

Over the next two weeks we will be teaching and practising the Speaking and Listening skills needed to carryout a successful presentation. Both Adrian and I will carryout an example presentation next week to show the students what we are looking for.

Please find the Term 3 Roster below. An information sheet will be sent home tomorrow with the students. Included is an explanation, success criteria, planning sheet and presentation roster. Keep an eye out for this.

Please come and see us if you have any questions regarding this topic.


Spelling - LSCWC (each night) 
FOCUS: Homophones and Homonyms
The students will keep the same words for week 1/2 due to the shorter week this week.

Mental Maths - Think Mentals, Unit 21, Day 1-4

Reading - Reading Log 
READERS - Every child will receive a Reader on Monday and the title will be written into their Reading logs. This is for them to read first before they have free choice or use Reading Eggspress.
Can you please ensure they are all returned on a FRIDAY morning. 
It is important that students complete their reading log. This means writing in the date, title of the book and getting a signature from yourselves to say they have read.

Interschool Cross Country 
Don't forget that it is the Interschool Cross Country Carnival this Thursday 26th July. For those going and haven't as yet, can you please return your permission slip to ensure you get on the bus.

Reading Groups
Reading Groups start again this week, for anyone who is available we would love your assistance again Monday to Thursday from 9am-10am. I will put up a roster outside the class for anyone who is able to help.

Have a great week everyone!

Mrs Ricciardone

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