Week 3 Term 3
Good morning,
I hope you all had a lovely weekend.
Today we have Alicia, a new student, joining us from Alicante in Spain. She and her sister Laura (Year 6) will be immersing themselves in the Australian/Dunsborough lifestyle. The girls are cousins to Gabriela and Olivia McGinley and they can't wait to learn more about our school and way of living. It will also be a fantastic opportunity for the students to learn more about the Spanish culture.
Congratulations to Jye Edmonds and Annabelle Phillips on receiving a Merit Certificate at Friday's Assembly. Both students have made significant progress in their learning and I couldn't be prouder!
Mental Maths - Think Mentals, Unit 22, Day 1-4
Reading - Reading Log
I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Congratulations to Jye Edmonds and Annabelle Phillips on receiving a Merit Certificate at Friday's Assembly. Both students have made significant progress in their learning and I couldn't be prouder!
For the last two weeks we have been learning about soil: why it is important, how it is formed, the different types and the soil profile. On Thursday we carried out an experiment to test which soil type best retains water. It was a lot of fun and reaffirmed what we had learnt the previous week, see the photos below:

The students are loving to explore the globe in Geography. This term they will become experts at naming and locating the continents and oceans! It is perfect timing with our new visitor coming from Spain!
The students are loving to explore the globe in Geography. This term they will become experts at naming and locating the continents and oceans! It is perfect timing with our new visitor coming from Spain!
This Thursday 2nd August, the students have a Fraction assessment. We will revise all of the concepts taught in class today, giving them 2 nights to study and see me if they have any further questions about the concepts. On Friday we will begin a new unit on money.
Information Reports - Over the last two weeks we have been working on learning the structure and language features of an information report. This week we will be co-writing an information report on Our Lady of the Cape to provide Alicia (our new visitor) with some background of the school. We will be focusing on the skills of paraphrasing, using topic sentences within our body paragraphs and writing a strong introduction and conclusion.
Reader's Theatre - As part of our Reading Group activities this term, the students will be carrying out a Reader's Theatre activity to enhance their intonation, expression and body language when presenting a text. They get to have a bit of fun with their reading and at the same time improve their presentation skills in preparation for the new Speaking and Listening Challenge. See the link for an example of this...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bq0Ohvo_b1U
The students should have brought home on Friday the outline and planning sheet for the new Speaking and Listening Challenge outlined in the blog last week. Please ask your child to see it, so you also know what is expected in their presentations. These begin next week and I will send reminder emails the week before so you can ensure your child is prepared and ready on their given date.
The students should have brought home on Friday the outline and planning sheet for the new Speaking and Listening Challenge outlined in the blog last week. Please ask your child to see it, so you also know what is expected in their presentations. These begin next week and I will send reminder emails the week before so you can ensure your child is prepared and ready on their given date.
Spelling - LSCWC (each night)
FOCUS: Kangaroos - Greek and Latin elements
FOCUS: Kangaroos - Greek and Latin elements
Possums - Hard and Soft C and G
Lorakeets - Contractions
Mental Maths - Think Mentals, Unit 22, Day 1-4
Reading - Reading Log
READERS - Every child will receive a Reader on Monday and the title will be written into their Reading logs. This is for them to read first before they have free choice or use Reading Eggspress.
Can you please ensure they are all returned on a FRIDAY morning.
It is important that students complete their reading log. This means writing in the date, title of the book and getting a signature from yourselves to say they have read.
The OLC Feast Day is on Wednesday 15th August, and as part of this day each year level runs a stall to raise money for the missions. In Year 4 we will be selling jelly cups, in preparation for this we ask that each family donates:
- a sachet(box) of jelly, and
- a pack of disposable plastic cups OR bag of plain freddo frogs.
We ask that all donations are handed in by Monday the 13th August, so we can prepare the jelly in advance. Thank you in anticipation.
School Photos: 23rd and 24th August
Athletics Jumps: 28th August
Athletics Throws: 4th September
Athletics Carnival: 6th September
Book Week: 30th September
Athletics Jumps: 28th August
Athletics Throws: 4th September
Athletics Carnival: 6th September
Book Week: 30th September
Have a great week everyone!
Mrs Ricciardone