Term 3 Week 1
Welcome back to Term 3! I hope you all had a lovely holiday and the students are feeling refreshed and renewed after their two week break. I know I am!
What's On This Term?
This term we are going to be very busy in our learning. We will be beginning a couple of new initiatives to continue to cater for the wide variety of learners within our classroom.
Our writing focus this term will look at Information Reports, as well as Procedures. A weekly Literacy session this term will be dedicated to Speaking and Listening, where the students will be given a topic to present a short oral presentation. These presentations will commence in Week 3 and students will only be expected to present once a term. A roster will be posted on the blog within the week for the students to begin their preparation.
Our Maths focus this term will be fractions, decimals and percentages, representing data, measurement (mass & capacity) and pre-algebra.
In our HASS subjects we will be focusing on the geographical features of the world; dividing up the globe to explore the continents, oceans, climates, flora and fauna specific to particular regions. In History we will be finalising our topic of Colonisation with the arrival of the First Fleet. As part of Civics and Citizenship we will be exploring the 3 levels of government and how laws are made. Towards the end of the term we are hoping to go on an excursion to reinforce this learning. Further details will be advised at a later time.
During the term we will be exploring Earth Sciences looking at areas such as soils, rocks and fossils. We will learn about the different types of soils and soil layers, as well as the importance of soil in our world. We will then explore the different rock types and processes such as erosion, weathering and deposition. The students will have the opportunity to carryout experiments and research to make connections to the outside world.
In Week 4, we will be beginning an inquiry project, where the students will explore and solve an inquiry question (that is derived as a class). This project will aim to integrate many learning areas. The students will be guided and provided with scaffolds to assist in their learning along the way.
'CARE' and 'RESPONSIBILITY' are our main focus' for this term's goals. We would like the students to really think about what these words mean and the importance they have on their learning and interactions with others. The students will be devising a set of actions that they will implement throughout the term to ensure they are showing care and responsibility.
WORKBOOKS - This term we would also like to place an importance on presentation and neatness. This week the students will be bringing home their Mathematics, English and Homework books from Term 1 and 2. These do not need to be returned. We will be starting fresh this term, really trying to encourage a sense of pride when they produce any piece of work.
STATIONARY - Can you please ensure, if you haven't done so already that your child comes to school with a top up of stationary. This means having a red and blue pen, pencil, eraser, glue, ruler and scissors. Majority of the class didn't have all of these items towards the end of last term.
Spelling - LSCWC (each night)
FOCUS: Homophones and Homonyms
Spelling - LSCWC (each night)
FOCUS: Homophones and Homonyms
The students will keep the same words for week 1/2 due to the shorter week this week.
Mental Maths - Think Mentals, Unit 20, Day 1-4
Reading - Reading Log
READERS - Every child will receive a Reader on Monday and the title will be written into their Reading logs. This is for them to read first before they have free choice or use Reading Eggspress.
Can you please ensure they are all returned on a FRIDAY morning.
It is important that students complete their reading log. This means writing in the date, title of the book and getting a signature from yourselves to say they have read.
Dates for Your Diary:
Class Prayer Assembly: Friday 20th July
(The students will be presenting their Uthando Dolls to Lynn Tognolini, it would be great if you could join us for this presentation)
School Photos: 23rd and 24th August
Jumps: 28th August
Throws: 4th September
Athletics Carnival: 6th September
Book Week: 30th September
As always, thank you for your support and if you have any questions please email or come and see me.
I can't wait to see the students tomorrow and hear the amazing holiday adventures they've had!
Have a great week,
Sandy Ricciardone & Adrian Torrese