
Showing posts from June, 2019

Week 10 Term 2

Good afternoon! The last week has arrived and we are finally on the home stretch! Term 2 has been such a busy and productive time, the students have worked like troopers producing some amazing pieces of work! We are very proud of the learning habits they have developed and the maturity they are showing as we grow closer to Year 5. In saying this, it is time for a well-deserved break! REMINDERS - WEEK 10 Father Ian and Mr Wilkie Farewell Mass   - Tomorrow Father Tony Chiera will be celebrating Mass with us in the hall to wish Mr Wilkie and Fr Ian a happy farewell and retirement. The mass will begin at 1.30 pm and afterwards there will be an afternoon tea for the parents and parishioners to share together. It has been asked if families in Years Four to Six provide a plate for this afternoon tea and take it to the hall in the morning. We thank you for your support with this. Pencil Cases Refill   - At the end of this week we will be sending the stude...

Term 2 Week 9

Good morning! Welcome to Week 9! What a wonderful day it was yesterday, the students were absolutely amazing and they all looked fantastic! They were a real credit to their families and their school yesterday with their reverent behaviour and participation...lots of proud tears leaking out of my eyes! A HUGE thank you to the prayer buddies and their families for attending, we were very grateful for your support. A huge thank you also, to the Year 3 parents for all their hard work in catering our morning tea. We will be sending an email to express our thanks to them today on behalf of ourselves and the Year 4 students and families. REMINDERS - WEEK 9  Cross Country  - This is scheduled for this Thursday 27th June beginning at 9am. The Year 1's will run first and then class by class. The carnival is expected to conclude by 11am...students are to wear their faction t-shirts and are to come ready to support their faction! All parents are welcome to attend...I would...

Eucharist Is Finally Here!

Good afternoon parents, Welcome to Eucharist Week. We are working hard and learning a lot about this special Sacrament as we get ready to receive it on Sunday. REMINDERS - WEEK 8  Dress for Sunday  - A reminder that all students receiving the Sacrament need to be dressed in their Sunday best.  This means a white dress/skirt/blouse for the girls with appropriate footwear and a white button up shirt for the boys with dress pants.  A reminder that no denim or skate shoes are to be worn. Church Tour and Eucharist Rehearsals  - We will be heading down to the church on Friday 21st June at 11.30am. This will mean unfortunately that the Year 4 students  will not be able to participate  in the Refugee Rice Lunch experience. We ask that as many students as possible make a gold coin donation in lieu of missing out on this important event. The students will be taken on a tour through the church where they will learn more about th...

Week 7 Term 2

Good afternoon all, Where has this term gone, I can't believe how fast report writing time has arrived, with the sacrament of Eucharist around the corner. Eucharist Paperwork  - A reminder that some Eucharist candidates still need to return their list of sacraments received, notice of intention to receive the wine and the $10. If you can please send these in as soon as possible, check with me if you are not sure! It is due by this Friday 14th June. Year 4R Prayer Liturgy  - This Friday we have our prayer assembly where we will be carrying out a short little skit that reinforces the important gestures and actions carried out during mass. It would be fantastic if you were able to join us and share in this special liturgy. All the students have a part to play and majority of the students have a reading. I ask that each night the students are practicing their reading off the script sent home yesterday , so they are confident little actors on Friday:)  OUR LE...