Term 2 Week 9

Good morning!

Welcome to Week 9!

What a wonderful day it was yesterday, the students were absolutely amazing and they all looked fantastic! They were a real credit to their families and their school yesterday with their reverent behaviour and participation...lots of proud tears leaking out of my eyes!

A HUGE thank you to the prayer buddies and their families for attending, we were very grateful for your support.

A huge thank you also, to the Year 3 parents for all their hard work in catering our morning tea. We will be sending an email to express our thanks to them today on behalf of ourselves and the Year 4 students and families.


Cross Country - This is scheduled for this Thursday 27th June beginning at 9am. The Year 1's will run first and then class by class. The carnival is expected to conclude by 11am...students are to wear their faction t-shirts and are to come ready to support their faction! All parents are welcome to attend...I would like to recommend a pair of wellies as the oval is quite wet and damp!

This will be weather/lightning dependent so please keep an eye out for any communications from the OLC Admin to advise of any changes.

Fr Ian Farewell Mass - Is on this Friday afternoon beginning at 1.30pm in the hall. All are warmly invited to attend.

Password Security - Just a reminder about security - we have had a student who has had their password scammed via a phishing email. The students are logged in to all relevant sites already and should not be prompted to enter their log in details at any point - ClickView is the only exception. 

Please ask your child to check with you if they receive any emails asking them to enter their log in details.


Please see below for the homework assigned for this week. 

1. Reading - Students are to read for 10 minutes each night.
2. Timetables - 11`'s -  Students are to practice at least 4 times throughout the week at home. 

3. Mental Maths- Complete Unit 17, p 34 & 35. All sections are to be completed.

4. Spelling - the students are to complete LSCWC with their spelling words and put their words into sentences on One Note. These are due in on Friday.

Have a great week!

       Sandy Ricciardone

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