Eucharist Is Finally Here!

Good afternoon parents,

Welcome to Eucharist Week. We are working hard and learning a lot about this special Sacrament as we get ready to receive it on Sunday.

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Dress for Sunday - A reminder that all students receiving the Sacrament need to be dressed in their Sunday best. 

This means a white dress/skirt/blouse for the girls with appropriate footwear and a white button up shirt for the boys with dress pants. 

A reminder that no denim or skate shoes are to be worn.

Church Tour and Eucharist Rehearsals - We will be heading down to the church on Friday 21st June at 11.30am. This will mean unfortunately that the Year 4 students will not be able to participate in the Refugee Rice Lunch experience. We ask that as many students as possible make a gold coin donation in lieu of missing out on this important event.

The students will be taken on a tour through the church where they will learn more about the items found in the church, the symbols and rituals that occur during mass. They will then have a rehearsal for what to do on Sunday - this will include practicing receiving an unconsecrated host and water if they have chosen to receive the wine on Sunday.

If you would like to come to the church to have a practice at giving the wine to your child, you are welcome to join us at 1.30. It is a very straightforward procedure and we will be on hand to guide you on Sunday morning.

Seating - Each family will be allocated a pew. As you are aware, the pews are quite small with enough room for parents, the candidate and siblings. Extended family will need to use the seating at the back or upstairs in the choir loft. 

Please make sure that your child is at the Church no later than 8.45am. Parking and seating will be at a premium so please factor this in to your plans! They will escort you to your seat and when asked they will make their way to the entrance to process in.

We will then have a celebratory cake and cuppa once mass has concluded - all are welcome to stay. We ask that you supervise your child at all times and remind them about appropriate manners in the church. Mrs Morley has respectfully asked that all food and drink remain on the lino - not the new carpet please.

Receiving Communion - As each child goes up to receive Communion, we ask that you sit quietly and respectfully with your family. Please give each child the same reverence and respect that you would like for your child.

Paperwork & Money - We are still missing the $10 payment from some families, if I can ask that you send this in with your child tomorrow.

Reports - As we have now finalised our comments and grades for our Semester 1 Reports, we will be getting in touch with the parents of those students that will be receiving a D in either Literacy or Numeracy. Please keep your eye on your Inbox.


Please see below for the homework assigned for this week. 

1. Reading - Students are to read for 10 minutes each night.
2. Timetables - 11`'s -  Students are to practice at least 4 times throughout the week at home. 

3. Mental Maths- Complete Unit 16, p 32 & 33. All sections are to be completed.

4. Spelling - the students are to complete LSCWC with their spelling words and put their words into sentences on One Note. These are due in on Friday.

5. HASS and Science Assessments - These will be conducted on Tuesday and Thursday. We are asking the children to take their books home to have a read through in preparation for their tests.

Have a good week and I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!

Mrs Ricciardone

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