Week 10 Term 2
Good afternoon!
The last week has arrived and we are finally on the home stretch!
Term 2 has been such a busy and productive time, the students have worked like troopers producing some amazing pieces of work! We are very proud of the learning habits they have developed and the maturity they are showing as we grow closer to Year 5. In saying this, it is time for a well-deserved break!
Father Ian and Mr Wilkie Farewell Mass - Tomorrow Father Tony Chiera will be celebrating Mass with us in the hall to wish Mr Wilkie and Fr Ian a happy farewell and retirement. The mass will begin at 1.30 pm and afterwards there will be an afternoon tea for the parents and parishioners to share together. It has been asked if families in Years Four to Six provide a plate for this afternoon tea and take it to the hall in the morning. We thank you for your support with this.
Pencil Cases Refill - At the end of this week we will be sending the student's pencil cases home to be restocked and organised. We are finding that every time we need to rule up, cut something out or glue something down, a stream of students are moving around looking to borrow from their classmates. Please have a quick look in their pencil cases to check this.
Pupil Free Day - Just a friendly reminder that the first day back (Monday 22nd July) of Term 3 is a pupil free day. Looking forward to seeing you on the Tuesday!
Please see below for the homework assigned for this week.
1. Reading - Students are to read for 10 minutes each night.
1. Reading - Students are to read for 10 minutes each night.
2. Timetables - 12's - Students are to practice at least 4 times throughout the week at home.
3. Spelling - the students are to complete LSCWC with their spelling words and put their words into sentences on One Note. These are due in on Friday.
Have a happy and safe holiday with your children. We thank you so much for your support over the past term. We are looking forward to the exciting times ahead.
Have fun and relax!
Sandy Ricciardone