Week 10 Term 3 2019
Good morning parents,

We can see the light at the end of the tunnel! Those very exciting holidays are fast approaching and boy oh boy we are ready for them.
It has been a busy term! Over the past week, whilst preparing for tonight's open classroom, we have realised that the student's have worked incredibly hard to learn many new concepts and produce high quality pieces of work. We are so very proud of them and can understand their need for a break!
Open Classroom - Tonight is your chance to come and check out the work your child has been doing throughout the year. It starts in the hall at 5pm, where Mr Lee will welcome us and some students will carryout a short musical performance. Classrooms will then be open from 5.15-6pm for you share in celebrating your child's achievements.
Please remember that this is a special time to spend with your child to discuss what they have enjoyed learning, and not a time to discuss any issues with the teacher. I am happy to make a separate appointment to do this, where needed. I look forward to seeing you tonight.
St Mary MacKillop College Visit - Just a reminder that all permission slips need to be returned by the end of this week, even if your child will not be attending MacKillop. I have only received 16 at this stage, if you need a new slip please ask your child to get one from me.

Athletics Carnival - Please note that the athletics carnival is tomorrow. The events schedule was emailed out to all parents last Friday, see the office if you have not received this.
It is looking to be a beautiful sunny day, therefore it is important that your child has had sunscreen applied in the morning before coming to school. We will have some on hand in the tents as well. As usual your child is to come to school in their faction uniform with their hat, water bottle and food in their school bag.
The children are welcome to colour their hair, wear face paint and bring teddies so that they can cheer for their team.
The canteen will be doing a sausage sizzle ($3) for lunch, however you need to place an order at the canteen with the correct change and their faction labelled on the bag. Parents can purchase one on the day. Tea/coffee and cake will also available for purchase on the day for $5.
If you would like to take your child home after the carnival, you will need to fill in a form found within the classroom. I have also sent a copy home with each child today. You or anyone else, will not be able to take your child if I am not given this form. Thank you to those would have brought theirs in already.
Whole School Mass - On Friday the 27th September there is a whole school mass at Our Lady of the Southern Cape. We will be leaving school just before 9am to walk down to the church. The Star Citizen certificates will be presented at church after mass, you will be notified soon if your child is the lucky recipient of the Star Citizen this week.
Uthando Dolls - If you can please make sure that your child has brought in their $1 coin to help pay for the postage for the dolls it would be greatly appreciated.
Mrs Ricciardone

We can see the light at the end of the tunnel! Those very exciting holidays are fast approaching and boy oh boy we are ready for them.
It has been a busy term! Over the past week, whilst preparing for tonight's open classroom, we have realised that the student's have worked incredibly hard to learn many new concepts and produce high quality pieces of work. We are so very proud of them and can understand their need for a break!

Please remember that this is a special time to spend with your child to discuss what they have enjoyed learning, and not a time to discuss any issues with the teacher. I am happy to make a separate appointment to do this, where needed. I look forward to seeing you tonight.
St Mary MacKillop College Visit - Just a reminder that all permission slips need to be returned by the end of this week, even if your child will not be attending MacKillop. I have only received 16 at this stage, if you need a new slip please ask your child to get one from me.

Athletics Carnival - Please note that the athletics carnival is tomorrow. The events schedule was emailed out to all parents last Friday, see the office if you have not received this.
It is looking to be a beautiful sunny day, therefore it is important that your child has had sunscreen applied in the morning before coming to school. We will have some on hand in the tents as well. As usual your child is to come to school in their faction uniform with their hat, water bottle and food in their school bag.
The children are welcome to colour their hair, wear face paint and bring teddies so that they can cheer for their team.
The canteen will be doing a sausage sizzle ($3) for lunch, however you need to place an order at the canteen with the correct change and their faction labelled on the bag. Parents can purchase one on the day. Tea/coffee and cake will also available for purchase on the day for $5.
If you would like to take your child home after the carnival, you will need to fill in a form found within the classroom. I have also sent a copy home with each child today. You or anyone else, will not be able to take your child if I am not given this form. Thank you to those would have brought theirs in already.
Whole School Mass - On Friday the 27th September there is a whole school mass at Our Lady of the Southern Cape. We will be leaving school just before 9am to walk down to the church. The Star Citizen certificates will be presented at church after mass, you will be notified soon if your child is the lucky recipient of the Star Citizen this week.
Besides Reading, there is no homework this week. ENJOY the sunshine!
Mrs Ricciardone