Week 7 Information!
I hope that you all enjoyed the weekend...it was a bit wet and woolly but provided a perfect excuse to spend the day on the couch! I hope all our dads had a fabulous Father's Day...thank you for all that you do to support our beautiful children!
General Behaviour - It is coming to that time of the term where we are starting to see some of our cherubs flex a little muscle in the classroom. We are having regular discussions about respecting the rights of others to learn and how it is important to make sure that we are always trying our best.
It may not seem like much but as a teacher when lessons are consistently interrupted to deal with low level behaviours such as talking to neighbours, moving around the classroom, not listening attentively - instead digging in pencil cases, staring out the window or drawing in their work books it all adds up to learning time being affected.
If you can take some time to have a general discussion about appropriate classroom behaviour I would appreciate the support.
Operation Christmas Shoebox - You may have noticed in the blogs of other classes that you are being asked to send in donations. As the Year 4 students are working on the Uthando Doll Project, the decision has been made that we won't contribute to the shoebox appeal as we are mindful of not asking for contributions for too many things.
Year 3/4 Jumps - These are this Wednesday and will be held during the students sport time. Any questions are to be directed to Mrs Sinclair.
Year 4R Assembly - Next Friday 13th September (week 8), we have our class performance assembly in the hall. Please mark it in your diaries, as we would love you to be there!
I have decided to include the students in the planning process of this, which we will be doing this afternoon. After our planning session, I will go home tonight and finalise the script and parts. Your child will receive their part and costume requirements on Thursday 5th September, so keep an eye out in their bags.
I ask that you encourage your child to practice their part each night to ensure they are familiar and confident with the content on the day. The children are very excited about this and I know they will be amazing no matter what!
Euthando Doll Update - FROM MRS MARTIN
We are just loving this learning experience so much and the kids
are developing so many amazing problem solving, co-operative learning skills
along with practical sewing, cutting, logical thinking and analytical skills,
its incredible to see! I'm so proud of them all, thank you again for your
support of the project!
Any children that have not completed their homework by Friday will catch up on any outstanding parts whilst they have their recess on Friday. I will send you an email on Friday to let you know if your child has not completed their homework. A follow up conversation over the weekend is greatly appreciated
1. Reading - Students are to read for 10 minutes each night. Please encourage them to read out loud to you at least twice a week.
1. Reading - Students are to read for 10 minutes each night. Please encourage them to read out loud to you at least twice a week.
2. Timetables - 6's - Students are to practice at least 4 times throughout the week at home. Choose the challenging ones and please test them in and out of order verbally.
3. Mental Maths- Complete Unit 24, p 48 & 49. All sections are to be completed by Friday. This is marked on Friday morning, can you please ensure your child has it here!
4. Spelling - the students are to complete LSCWC and their 'Words Within in Sentences' into their Homework books by Friday.
5. Champion Life Challenges - If you can encourage your child to complete at least one video challenge a week. All videos that are uploaded are only seen by the Champion Life staff and teacher to which the class has been assigned...in this instance me.
This is a fantastic initiative which whilst increasing levels of physical activity also aims to inspire students through valuable life learning.
Have a great week!