Week 9 Term 3!
Good morning parents,
I hope that you enjoyed the beautiful weekend weather. It is starting to feel like Spring for sure!! I spent the weekend in Perth with family and friends, so it was great to take a forced break and enjoy being outside in the sunshine!
Words can not describe how proud of I am of the students in 4R. Last Friday they were true champions during their assembly presentation. I was so pleased with every child, no matter what part they played! They all gave it their best shot and showed that 4R means business! Thank you for supporting your child in their preparation at home.
STEM Materials - the students are loving their fortnightly STEM Challenges. This week we have asked them to make a shelter that will keep a figurine dry from the weather. They will be provided with tape and paper towels (used to check if any moisture made it inside). Any other materials will need to be scavenged from home...please send them to the shed and not Kmart, Bunnings or Spotlight.
St Mary MacKillop College Visit - Just a reminder that all permission slips need to be returned even if your child will not be attending MacKillop as they will all be taken for the day on the 18th October.

Athletics Carnival - Please note that this has been rescheduled from Thursday this week to Tuesday of next week 24th September. This is due to the inclement weather that has been forecast and the fact that the oval will be sodden and the wind will be fierce!
Open Classroom Evening - Just a reminder that this is on next Monday 23rd September beginning in the Hall at 5pm for a short presentation. Our classroom will then be open from 5.15 - 6pm for you to come in and see what has been happening. I look forward to seeing you there if you can make it.
Uthando Dolls - If you can please make sure that your child has brought in their $1 coin to help pay for the postage for the dolls it would be greatly appreciated.
If you are able to assist we will be having our last 2 sessions for the term, this week and next. Some students are a little further behind so if you have any time to spare we would love to have you!
We are also looking for a couple of volunteers to come in one day early next term for a bit of a quality control check. In this we would need you to look at each doll and make sure they are sturdy and the stitching will hold. This time is flexible so can be done whenever it would suit you. Please let me know if you are able to help.
This has been a wonderful project that the students have really enjoyed and it would not be possible without your time and support. A very big THANK YOU once again to all who have come to join our happy band of sewers!
4. Spelling - the students are to complete LSCWC and their 'Words Within in Sentences' into their Homework books by Friday.
5. Champion Life Challenges - If you can encourage your child to complete at least one video challenge a week. This is a fantastic initiative which whilst increasing levels of physical activity also aims to inspire students through valuable life learning.
6. Science Research Project - Presentations will begin tomorrow. Please make sure that you are ready.
Have a great week!
Mrs Ricciardone
I hope that you enjoyed the beautiful weekend weather. It is starting to feel like Spring for sure!! I spent the weekend in Perth with family and friends, so it was great to take a forced break and enjoy being outside in the sunshine!
Words can not describe how proud of I am of the students in 4R. Last Friday they were true champions during their assembly presentation. I was so pleased with every child, no matter what part they played! They all gave it their best shot and showed that 4R means business! Thank you for supporting your child in their preparation at home.
St Mary MacKillop College Visit - Just a reminder that all permission slips need to be returned even if your child will not be attending MacKillop as they will all be taken for the day on the 18th October.

Athletics Carnival - Please note that this has been rescheduled from Thursday this week to Tuesday of next week 24th September. This is due to the inclement weather that has been forecast and the fact that the oval will be sodden and the wind will be fierce!

If you are able to assist we will be having our last 2 sessions for the term, this week and next. Some students are a little further behind so if you have any time to spare we would love to have you!
We are also looking for a couple of volunteers to come in one day early next term for a bit of a quality control check. In this we would need you to look at each doll and make sure they are sturdy and the stitching will hold. This time is flexible so can be done whenever it would suit you. Please let me know if you are able to help.
This has been a wonderful project that the students have really enjoyed and it would not be possible without your time and support. A very big THANK YOU once again to all who have come to join our happy band of sewers!
Any children that have not completed their homework by Friday will catch up on any outstanding parts whilst they have their recess on Friday. I will send you an email on Friday to let you know if your child has not completed their homework. A follow up conversation over the weekend is greatly appreciated
1. Reading - Students are to read for 10 minutes each night. Please encourage them to read out loud to you at least twice a week.
1. Reading - Students are to read for 10 minutes each night. Please encourage them to read out loud to you at least twice a week.
2. Mental Maths- Complete Unit 26, p 52 & 53. All sections are to be completed by Friday. These are marked in class on Friday morning. PLEASE MAKE SURE IT IS HERE!
4. Spelling - the students are to complete LSCWC and their 'Words Within in Sentences' into their Homework books by Friday.
5. Champion Life Challenges - If you can encourage your child to complete at least one video challenge a week. This is a fantastic initiative which whilst increasing levels of physical activity also aims to inspire students through valuable life learning.
6. Science Research Project - Presentations will begin tomorrow. Please make sure that you are ready.
Have a great week!
Mrs Ricciardone