Mary MacKillop Morning Tea and Excursion

Good afternoon,

Just a reminder that this Friday the 12th of October the students will be going on an excursion to Mary MacKillop for an Open Day.

Just a reminder to those parents who indicated they will attend the morning tea, it begins at 10.30am in the Secondary Quandrangle. Everyone is welcome, so if you would like to attend and haven't sent your RSVP,  let me know and I can send that onto Mary MacKillop.

The students will be leaving OLC at 10.15am and returning at approximately 2pm. They need to wear their sports uniform with their school polo, not their faction tshirt. They will also take their lunch with them in their school bag, please ensure they have a water bottle on the day.

As you may have heard, my son Xavier has the chicken pox and needs to be quarantined until the end of the week, therefore I will not be at school on Friday as my husband has meetings throughout the day. Mrs Holt will be taking the class.

If you have any further questions, please see me.

Have a great end to the week!

Mrs Ricciardone

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