Week 3 Term 4
Good morning everyone,
If anyone could slow this term down, I would be most appreciative😊. I have just realised how close we are to the end and it has come too quickly.
Congratulations to our Merit Award winners: Allira, Sienna, Cooper and Oliver. They have all started the term with great focus and determination.
ART: Recycled Art
FROM MISS CHARLES: Aloha! an amazing start to our visual arts unit for this term. I have been so proud of the students responses to Ian Mutch's art work. Their art pieces they have created by applying Mutch's techniques and style are looking incredible.
Looking ahead... next week we will have a new artist in focus. The theme for the next 2 lessons with the students will be exploring the use of recycled materials to create art. It links well with Ian Mutch's brand new book MORE, MORE, MORE which explores the message of collecting more and more things until our 'home' can no longer carry the load. The message ends with the fact that finding each other is more important than finding 'things'.
Students will explore artists that use beach debris, recycled materials, waste and pre-loved toys to create incredible sculptures and mixed media works. This ties in beautifully with our whole school focus on the war on waste and minimising our impact on our environment.
Can you please encourage students over the weekend to gather materials for this project. This could include a quick beach cleanup (take 3 for the sea) hunting through recycling bin (coloured, bottle caps etc.) old broken or unused items, toys, materials around the home that you never get around to fixing or struggle to throw away. We want to encourage our children to reuse, upcycle and see the potential in the things they might possibly throw away.
Please visit my pinterest board that I have created for inspiration at the following link
"Soup" a series by photographic artist Mandy Barker featuring plastics and trash found on the beach
Civics and Citizenship: WE NEED NEWSPAPERS! If you have local newspapers at home (preferably recent) can you spare them for our local government studies. Students are exploring the services our our local government and their involvement in our community. Researching articles in our local rag, will help students make connections.If you have any at home lying around PLEASE BRING IN TOMORROW!
Friendology: We have got right into the swing of the 8 week intensive Friendology program. Our last session was a lot of fun with a great message!
So far we have focused on self-awareness, teaching children to ‘get real’ about who they are. In order to create healthy friendships, we need the students to first look inward and shine a light on their strengths.We are hoping they will learn to be the best versions of themselves. We also looked at the skills required to spark a new friendship. Students learnt how to introduce themselves and practice the art of conversation. We had fun introducing ourselves to each other, using correct body language, eye contact and a firm handshake. Once they knew how to hold a conversation (like a game of catch), they learnt how to take it to the next level by finding something in common with someone to plant the seed for a new friendship to grow.
From here, we will review the 4 Friendship Facts, setting the stage for what’s normal in a friendship.
Please see the school calendar for further dates and events.
PLEASE NOTE - This term the students have to complete dictionary meanings for their list words at home and are due Friday with their other homework.
Mental Maths - Think Mentals, Unit 31, Day 1-4
Reading - Reading Log
If anyone could slow this term down, I would be most appreciative😊. I have just realised how close we are to the end and it has come too quickly.

ART: Recycled Art
FROM MISS CHARLES: Aloha! an amazing start to our visual arts unit for this term. I have been so proud of the students responses to Ian Mutch's art work. Their art pieces they have created by applying Mutch's techniques and style are looking incredible.
Looking ahead... next week we will have a new artist in focus. The theme for the next 2 lessons with the students will be exploring the use of recycled materials to create art. It links well with Ian Mutch's brand new book MORE, MORE, MORE which explores the message of collecting more and more things until our 'home' can no longer carry the load. The message ends with the fact that finding each other is more important than finding 'things'.
Students will explore artists that use beach debris, recycled materials, waste and pre-loved toys to create incredible sculptures and mixed media works. This ties in beautifully with our whole school focus on the war on waste and minimising our impact on our environment.
Can you please encourage students over the weekend to gather materials for this project. This could include a quick beach cleanup (take 3 for the sea) hunting through recycling bin (coloured, bottle caps etc.) old broken or unused items, toys, materials around the home that you never get around to fixing or struggle to throw away. We want to encourage our children to reuse, upcycle and see the potential in the things they might possibly throw away.
Please visit my pinterest board that I have created for inspiration at the following link
"Soup" a series by photographic artist Mandy Barker featuring plastics and trash found on the beach
Civics and Citizenship: WE NEED NEWSPAPERS! If you have local newspapers at home (preferably recent) can you spare them for our local government studies. Students are exploring the services our our local government and their involvement in our community. Researching articles in our local rag, will help students make connections.If you have any at home lying around PLEASE BRING IN TOMORROW!
Friendology: We have got right into the swing of the 8 week intensive Friendology program. Our last session was a lot of fun with a great message!
So far we have focused on self-awareness, teaching children to ‘get real’ about who they are. In order to create healthy friendships, we need the students to first look inward and shine a light on their strengths.We are hoping they will learn to be the best versions of themselves. We also looked at the skills required to spark a new friendship. Students learnt how to introduce themselves and practice the art of conversation. We had fun introducing ourselves to each other, using correct body language, eye contact and a firm handshake. Once they knew how to hold a conversation (like a game of catch), they learnt how to take it to the next level by finding something in common with someone to plant the seed for a new friendship to grow.
From here, we will review the 4 Friendship Facts, setting the stage for what’s normal in a friendship.
NEW!! Interschool Athletics Carnival:Just a reminder that the Interschool Athletics Carnival is this Thursday 25th October. Please remember the students need to wear their school sports uniform (green polo) and bring their recess, lunch, water bottle and hat on the day. It does look like it may be raining, so some wet weather gear may also be appropriate.
NEW!! Socktober: Friday is “Crazy Sock Day”. We are encouraging the students to wear crazy socks and to bring in a gold coin donation for children in poverty. Students will be invited to a lunch time dance party to “Dance their Socks Off”, with Year 3-6 dancing from 1.00-1.15, and P-2: 1.15-1.30.
NEW!! Reconciliation: Just a reminder that the year 3's will be celebrating the sacrament of Reconciliation on Wednesday 24th October. It begins at 6pm at Our Lady of the Southern Cross Church, for anyone who is able to come along and support these children.
Dates for Your Diary:
Interschool Athletics Carnival: Thursday 25th October
Socktober Fundraiser: Friday 26th October
Class Performance Assembly: Friday 9th November
OLC Fete: Sunday 11th November
Please see the school calendar for further dates and events.
Spelling - LSCWC (each night) & Dictionary Definitions
Kangaroos: Greek and Latin Roots - intra, inter, intro and circum
Possums: Prefixes - uni, bi, tri
Lorakeets: VCV and VCCV - double or single consonants
Spelling - LSCWC (each night) & Dictionary Definitions
Kangaroos: Greek and Latin Roots - intra, inter, intro and circum
Possums: Prefixes - uni, bi, tri
Lorakeets: VCV and VCCV - double or single consonants
PLEASE NOTE - This term the students have to complete dictionary meanings for their list words at home and are due Friday with their other homework.
Mental Maths - Think Mentals, Unit 31, Day 1-4
Reading - Reading Log
READERS - Every child received a Reader today and the title is written into their Reading logs. This is for them to read first before they have free choice or use Reading Eggspress.
Can you please ensure they are all returned on a FRIDAY morning. This isn't happening every week unfortunately.
Family Homework - I'm hoping you are starting to see some more 'Spirit of Jesus' moments happening at home. I would love to hear any feedback about this.
Have a great week everyone:)
Mrs Ricciardone, Miss Charles and Mr Torrese